Come Togetrher
No matter your political stance, whatever side you've chosen, I think that we can all agree on one thing? The world is a very scary place. No matter where you look on a map of the world, there is serious trouble of some kind. Wars and rumors of war abound. Murder has become common place, we have become numb to mass shootings and bombings, they are a common occurence. But we as Americans go on unfazed by all of this, as we are more involved with important matters, like bathroom designations, or whether you are for or against a millionaire football player who refuses to stand for the country that gave him all that he has. We are divided, and it doesn't matter whether you blame this fact on Obama or on Congress, but its ludicrous to blame it on the new President. He just got here, he hasn't been in office a month, he inherited this mess.
But rather then tear into the lies used to separate us, lets make it simple, and just admit that we are a divided nation, more divided than at any time in our brief world existence. But ask yourself a question, Is it wise to choose to stay divided? With all we face, both at home and in the world, isn't it wiser to keep our personal points of view to ourselves for a while, and look to what is good for our nation? You know, Ask not what your country can do for you.. You know the rest. If you don't, you should. A wise man from our history once said that a country divided against itself cannot stand. People, please stop the tantrums, its embarrassing! The reality is that we need each other, and patriotism must become more than a punch line or a fashion statement. Old fashioned patriotism, things like home and apple pie. We owe 20 trillion dollars in loans, and as we said, the world is a dangerous place. We must come to together Its time for the left to suck it up and put on their big pants, you lost an election and it hurts. I know, as I have been on that side. From the perspective of the other half of the country, we suffered for eight years. The difference? We suffered in silence, went to work and went about our lives. You see, to us rioting and destroying property is lawlessness, and we don't make excuses for it. We too were anxious and worried as we watched a president who seemed more interested in dividing us than uniting us. For me personally, my rage-O-meter went off the charts on 9/11 when four Americans were slaughtered after a 13 hour gun fight. But strangely, no one seemed to care. I believe our President went golfing? It wasn't easy to stomach and I didn't understand how such a thing was ignored. Angry? Sure, but unlike the left, no one went to the streets to rant and disrupt. We must learn to talk to each other and not just dig in our heels deeper. If you can't think of any way that you could be friends with someone whose political views are different from your own, try remembering that we are all Americans! The world is a scary place, we need each other. Come together, find a way, because neither side can make it alone. If this great nation is to survive, we must unite again as one.
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