It is a complicated thing, this figuring out where the nation is going. It takes a bit of fine considerings. Amazingly, and this I say to Fox news cable along with the rest of the media riff raff, Donald Trump and what goes on with the Republicans is not the story. The story is the Democratic party, and how it handles Socialism! Add to that, the recent embarrassment our President caused us by his ass kissing event, held recently in Cuba. So by Barack's example, has Bernie's Democratic Socialism be enough, or are we to have Democratic Communism not far behind? Speaking of behinds, I heard that even after Barack got his lips dirty in the kissing event, comrade Fidel dissed him?
The Republicans will run either Trump or Cruz. If they feel at all suicidal, then they'll hand pick another? But here's the thing, it doesn't matter who the Republicans run, it could be Mickey Mouse. One thing is only now becoming crystal clear, A vote for crazy uncle Bernie or Hillary, puts you in bed with the new Democratic Socialists, or the not too far behind, Democratic Communist party. But I will tell you that you will be sorry if you choose to sleep in that bed. Because that bed is loaded with bed bugs and lice!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
Today is Palm Sunday, the day we celebrate Jesus, entrance to Jerusalem as King of the Jews. He was proclaimed as such by the people, but rejected by the Sanhedrin, who in those days were the equivelant of the government for the faithful. Rome had conquered Israel, so they were the government government . But I'm not going to talk about that. I will tell you to read the account of this day in any of the four gospels yourself. You'll be amazed at the relevance with today. The people rejoiced at his coming, but the government feared it. So they had a PR problem on their hands, and had to divide the people among themselves so that their's was the voice of reason. Sound familiar? That is why the bible is a Living Document, it is always relevant.
That event happened about 2100 years ago, but I want to talk about the future, in that our time was prophecied by so many, and this is that time. We are in the beginnings of the end. The actual day of the end of the end, no one but the Father knows.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Translation, As the time of the Lord's return gets closer by the day, Evil will look to separate the flock. I've have seen this already among some of you. I take liberties with scripture with my style of writing that often upsets the "jot and tittle" crowd, and I apologize to you for that. But one thing I have never done, is to lie to you. The passage goes on to tell how to judge between the good and the bad, By their fruit it says. A metaphor for their lives yes, but also of the ultimate fruit, Truth. He who tells the truth speaks for Jesus, while he who speaks lies speaks for Satan. It is that easy, and of course, that hard. It is hard because it takes so many lies to cover the truth. But the excavation on your part to find that truth, lies in the pages of the Bible. Anyone who strays from the whole truth, but rather tells only half truths, these are false prophets also. What I write goes out publicly, but it is meant for those who already know the Lord. You believer, are a target, because in matters that concern the Kingdom of God, the people they look to confuse and separate are the faithful. You are the real target, because the rest, those who still don't know him, are already lost. But you Christian, you. If the evil one can get to you and convince you of a lie, you will lead the rest.
It is simple really, preach Jesus and him crucified, and why it was necessary, and when next Sunday comes, maybe some will be less about the finery they wear, and more about the man who is the only link to the Living God.
That event happened about 2100 years ago, but I want to talk about the future, in that our time was prophecied by so many, and this is that time. We are in the beginnings of the end. The actual day of the end of the end, no one but the Father knows.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Translation, As the time of the Lord's return gets closer by the day, Evil will look to separate the flock. I've have seen this already among some of you. I take liberties with scripture with my style of writing that often upsets the "jot and tittle" crowd, and I apologize to you for that. But one thing I have never done, is to lie to you. The passage goes on to tell how to judge between the good and the bad, By their fruit it says. A metaphor for their lives yes, but also of the ultimate fruit, Truth. He who tells the truth speaks for Jesus, while he who speaks lies speaks for Satan. It is that easy, and of course, that hard. It is hard because it takes so many lies to cover the truth. But the excavation on your part to find that truth, lies in the pages of the Bible. Anyone who strays from the whole truth, but rather tells only half truths, these are false prophets also. What I write goes out publicly, but it is meant for those who already know the Lord. You believer, are a target, because in matters that concern the Kingdom of God, the people they look to confuse and separate are the faithful. You are the real target, because the rest, those who still don't know him, are already lost. But you Christian, you. If the evil one can get to you and convince you of a lie, you will lead the rest.
It is simple really, preach Jesus and him crucified, and why it was necessary, and when next Sunday comes, maybe some will be less about the finery they wear, and more about the man who is the only link to the Living God.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Being What Is
I had such a great story in mind about my dog Max. A real funny one too, or so I thought. Mostly because, sometimes I just think funny things. But instead.. well, you know the rest?
Here we all are, election, 2016 style. No one, and that bears repeating, no one, on the left or the right denies that this country is seriously divided. As to whose responsible? If you can believe it, its been eight years since he was in office, there are some, who still would blame Bush for this? Stupid? You bet. To no small amount, this election is very much about the legacy of Obama and his administration. The problem? Nobody but Hillary is defending it, and why not, she was part of it. The problem she has with the truth makes her a danger. But after all, aren't they all liars they will say? Not like this. You may hate hearing it, but Benghazi is important. The left will tell you that poor Hillary has been through 11 grueling hours of testimony regarding it, and nothing came out of it? Nothing? If you would read the transcripts, or just go to the video tape, you will see that she testified, that yes, she knew it was a terror attack as it was happening, because she used that oft talked about private server to alert her daughter Chelsea, and some Arab friend on the day of the attack of those very words. So, to any honest thinking person, she knew full well from the beginning that it had nothing to do with some stupid obscure video. And yet, Hillary and Rice, I think is her name, went out and lied bold faced to the American people. And in case you watch NBC for your news and didn't know this, a full five days later, Barack stood in front of the U.N. and told the same lie. But for those who do know, and I maintain most don't, at least within the Democratic party, think this to be unimportant? She sells herself as the first woman, and yet could look a grieving mother in the face and tell that lie to her. You may be a Democratic mother, but what if it were your son? Or how about the traitor Bergdall? Have you heard the truth about this one? We gave five murderous pigs back to the terrorists, and got back that gutless wonder. So you say that you don't understand the appeal of extremes like Trump and Sanders? Do you think of his supporters as uneducated fools? More then half the country thinks that you are the fools. Ignorance of the facts comes from apathy, and both sides are guilty of that. Donald Trump is resisted by his own party, but so are the party loyalists on the other side trying to rid themselves of Bernie. When it comes to apathy and stupidity, there is more then enough for both sides. Truth be told, As a new Republican, having just left the Democratic party, I would rather someone other then Mr. Trump. That isn't to say that I disagree with him on everything. Trump, like Obama, mastered the media, and that is how you win, so far at least, in this century. The fact that he is the mirror image of Obama, in that they are both ego driven and self centered, shouldn't surprise you. These people, like the Obama supporters before them, may be short on facts, but they are big on emotion. Mr. Trump said one thing that I steadfastly agree with, and that is, that he is bringing thousands of new voters into the process, and that the last guy. Mitt Romney, who I admire, couldn't close the deal. I watched as Candy Crowley and Obama sprung their little Benghazi trap on him, and he folded. I couldn't believe it! All he had to do is talk about the video, which even then was the key to the administrations lie for politics sake, and he didn't do it? right then I knew he had lost. I want to win in November, and I don't care who does it. If it is to be Donald Trump, then so be it. The point is gang, that this country may not survive another four years of this move towards becoming just another socialists sap. But if the people choose wrong again, then I'll make my peace with it, while the people get exactly what they asked for. If we get it wrong this time, there will literally be hell to pay.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Of Purple Pandas and girls and boys
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist. He calls it Democratic Socialism, but if you know your history, what would follow next? Democratic Communism, or perhaps Democratic Nazi-ism is more your style? But when I look at the sea of innocent and enthusiastic young faces at one of his rallies, I don't see the faces of the pseudo revolutionaries of their predecessors. The Bill Aires type, so filled with vile hatred and acts of terrorism, has been replaced with the bright shiny faces of all American kids. The kids are harmless enough, but the ideology they support never ends well for any but the politically elite. But we must ask ourselves, whose to blame for all these misguided kids? Certainly not the kids, they are ignorant of the facts, and so, innocent of any ill intent. Bernie himself isn't to blame. After all, I have no doubt that he is only a foolish old man, and that he honestly believes that socialism isn't really a bad thing, and unlike all the others who failed so miserably before him, he can get it right. Our free enterprise system of capitalism, is like our constitution, the best in the world. Our system of government is emulated and admired by every free people in the world. Capitalism vs. Socialism is not a fair fight, one is a huge bull dozer, and the other a Tonka toy.
So who are these crazy kids, these millennials? Lets start with my parents generation, they called them the "greatest generation". Their kids, my generation, are called "baby boomers" because after the second world war, when a lot of very horney soldiers and sailors came home, they made up for lost time, and Boom, us. We gave berth to, "generation X", who are the parents of the millennials. So what happened? How did we go from a generation of people who literally died to provide the freedoms we all enjoy, to this? This, where kids not only have no understanding about our true history, and believe that patriotism is a bad thing. The only positive that can be gleaned from this is, at least the kids are interested in the process and are actively involved. By comparison, I didn't even vote until I was forty five. These children are America's kids, the first to not be expected to do better then the generations before them. They are the first to be raised almost completely without the moral compass that is God. They are the first to be taught that government is god, and that political correctness its religion. The first to be told that they aren't boys and girls, but Purple Pandas. The first to get participation awards, and so, the first who will never know the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. The first to be taught that the government is not just your kindly uncle Sam, but rather that the government is their daddy. So when they hear, Free college and more free stuff, they need not worry about how all this is paid for? Just sit back and relax kids, there is nothing to see here, and so, nothing to fear. Don't worry, daddy will take care of everything.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Finding Wisdom
Tales far away places, places you have never seen but in your dreams. Motions like melodies coalesce so much, that the dreams you see feel real. The mind can be a powerful thing, so much so, that it can play tricks on you, until you are no longer sure whether it happened or not? We choose what thoughts to dwell on, and of which ones we discard.
Revelations come from the seeking, but are only found when the question is worthy of pursuing. Those that aren't worthy, lead only to those that are just meaningless rabbit holes. These decisions are at the very foundations of reasoning. Thought in its truest form, comes to you in the seeking, questioning our reasoning is how we not only challenge ourselves, but decipher what is fact from that which is not.
It is the same when we look to find God. Too many, usually because they are fearful, are afraid to ask and challenge him. But God actually desires your questions, he enjoys the give and take in a meaningful conversation. You see, God doesn't want your religion, because religion is mostly the doctrines of men, steps provided by someone else, laid out as the way to the Living God. But finding the reality of God, is a personal journey, and no two journeys are alike. It is by your considerations on the matter, and how you react to the answers you hear in your mind. This is where analytical thinking is born. And it is only by its berth, that wisdom can be found. And with wisdom, comes the ability to know truth from lies, and love from scorn. Of course, two of the attributes of Jesus is that he is love and truth. So how do you attain true wisdom? To know the Lord, is to know his ways, and in all his ways is wisdom, so to know God is to know wisdom.
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