Sunday, January 24, 2016

Global Freezing

  The year is 2026, and outside, snow drifts reached as high as 18 feet. Record colds world wide, shattered all other records, Meteorologists were amazed. The carbon alarmists of just a few years ago, called it global warming? It had been global freezing, not too long again either. But the weather scientists who had predicted this, were all caught with their slips showing, as the big freeze never happened. So they changed their point of view to predict warming, but the public relations department insisted on softer language, and so the term climate change was berthed. And who could argue that, the climate does change. My dad who was quite the weather prognosticator, having worked out of doors all his life, would often say about New Jersey's weather, because Jersey is all he knew, and it was the perfect barometer for change in that we enjoy a full four seasons, so the weather is always in a state of flux. That if you don't like the weather in Jersey, wait, it'll change. Brilliant! Weather, like everything in life is cyclical. So why all the hub bub? Why the panic over risings seas, millions drowning, a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions? Money.
  Surprise surprise, it's all about the money and who controls what, where, and when. Why would we consider giving so much power to any school of thought. Who would control this climate problem, the EPA? They have become second in abuse to Americans only to the IRS. Money is power, and power is control, it has little to do with our being able to influence the weather. As George Carlin once joked,  We think we control the planet? Why this planet will shake us off like a bunch of fleas. Obviously I paraphrase, my photographic memory is getting a bit frayed around the edges.
  In the argument over this ridiculous subject, a warning for both sides, to make you seem less stupid,when discussing this hot topic. We are snowed in here in the Northeast, and a few weeks ago at Christmas time it neared 70 degrees. The advice? Don't go around touting your point just by recent weather patters, keep in mind that the experts were left looking like fools for exactly the same thing.

Friday, January 22, 2016

President 2016

  So what facilitated this little political blurb? Well, as much as I hate the division that politics has spawned in this country, and as hard as it is to get away from the subject, what really resparked my interest was receiving my new voter registration card from the Ocean County Registra's office. I am now officially a Republican. Though as I said, I am a compassionate conservative, I had, prior to this opted more to the compassionate side, and became what my father who was, a life long Teamster, which back then meant a Democrat. As much as I detest the labeling anyone or any group, a little of the rhetoric is true on both sides of the aisle. Liberal's hearts do bleed to the point of making a mess, and Republicans do tend to worry more about the cost rather then the solution for solving social ills. But the problem for the Democrats is that the Democratic party of my father and others from the "greatest generation" is that the once proud party has changed so drastically, that not only would they not recognize their party, by looking around at what this country has become, when the Second world War came calling for their sacrifice, they would be unsure who to fight, them or us? Possibly a bit over played, but there you have it.
  One of the many fundamental changes I would bring about as President, would be the abolishment of the two party system. By it's exclusiveness, it breeds corruption. National offices should be paid for by the federal government, with each of the final candidates receiving equal funding for advertising. All unused money to be returned to the tax payers. But we are a long way from making any meaningful changes. Other then Mike Huckabee, I haven't heard anything about term limits. Wouldn't that be the first step in breaking up the Washington cartel?
  But as for the reality of the here and now, the country needs to adjust hard to the right, before we can get control of it, and settle in the middle. So for the here and now, we need anyone other then another Democrat. My choice is influenced by the fact that we will need someone with a calm demeanor behind the wheel, one who is intelligent and slow to anger. A person who not only understands the reality of the life that plays out on the streets and battlefields of the world, but also one who understands the under lying spiritual reasons as to why these situations exist. Not a career politician, nor an extreme capitalist entertainer, but what I want is what the country needs, a true man of the people, off the charts smart and compassionate. A man who rose up from among us, a citizen statesman, a man who felt called to lead this great country, not for any personal glory, but because he loves this country and her people. One who is not beholding to anyone on either side of the aisle. That is not a weakness, but rather his biggest strength. Ben Carson for president of the United States.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Matters of the Heart

  Matters of the heart most often defy logic. Love is the most confusing of all our emotions, because love gets lost in feelings. The logic of the mind and a broken heart are about as different as night is to day. Most people don't understand love, and have never heard a concise definition of it. Love, in it's purest sense, is to put another person before yourself. That is true love in a nutshell, making someone more important then yourself. It is that simple, and yet so difficult to do. It is unnatural for us to put anyone before ourselves, mostly because trusting another fully is so hard to do. Even within the family, breakdowns of communication are common.
  Unfortunately, the kind of dedication it takes to put another first is rare, even in the best of marriages. We are by nature, a prideful selfish lot. Oddly enough, it is in the most horrible of places where we can see this kind of love and dedication displayed. It is played out on the battlefields of history, where one man gives his life in an attempt to save another.
  But you can find true love without going to war, because I have this friend who you can always trust. One who never fails. One who has already been willing to give his life for mine. People will let you down, they almost always do. But I have this friend who I trust so much, he knows my frailties and my deepest forebodings. Ask me about him, and I'll be glad to introduce you.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Effin Fun

  Frequent failings followed the forgivings of failed forevers. Life, it comes at you day by day, it is relentless, and you hardly have enough time to catch your breath. If not by F, then in 25 different ways, but life and it's problems will continue. We, all of us, go around in life with only one thing continuously on our minds, ourselves.
  Everything, from the decisions which have dire consequences, to the smallest matters of adjustment, we make everything about us and how it will affect us personally. We talk publicly about the common good, but in truth, what is good for most is only good for us, if it benefits ourselves. It is the great human sport, to manipulate our surroundings to best suit our needs, and if it happens to help our fellow man, all the better.
  We read into our environment, processing what we see in accordance with our perceptions. Our perceptions are set by what we have experienced in life, and what we took from that experience as truth. Applying that truth to our personal belief, but also, we take note of what was false about that same encounter, as a lesson of what went wrong and why, so those mistakes need not be repeated. But allowing for the fact that different people might well have interpreted the same event in a different way, and so coming away with a different perception about the matter, is there more then one truth? Though logical assumptions can be made for almost anything, if that logic doesn't arrive at one undeniable truth,  then someone must be wrong. Truth is solid rock, and so there can be only one truth. There can be differing ways to arrive at that truth, but still just one truth. The exclusiveness of truth is where the problem comes, as someone has to be right, and someone wrong. Knowing you are right is easy, while admitting you are wrong takes courage. This would be the perfect spot to speak about ego, but that is another story for another time.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Being Human

  We are some weird creatures aren't we? Um, make that entity, as creature denotes a lower form of life. Not a lower form of life because it is less precious, but a lower form of life in that our intellects are far superior to the rest. All life has it's place and function, from the tiniest microbe, to the complicated entity which is ourselves. The reason for this huge gap in intelligence, isn't because we evolved from some monkey, nor does it mean that we were once fish. What it does mean, is exactly what the bible teaches, that we were wonderfully and fearfully made. According to Him, he made us in his image. Not in looks or even type of life form, as He is all spirit, and we are a hybrid, half Spirit, and half physical body. The body dies in 80 plus years, but the spirit is eternal.
  The reason that so many, otherwise intelligent people miss the reality of God, is because their vision is limited only by the things they can see and touch. But you, and you might want to trust me in this, You are eternal. That last statement might be the most shocking of all, and you are apt to have one of two reactions. One is that you'll agree wholeheartedly and say amen, and the other is to run for your Thesaurus, and start looking for ways to label me as one of those, far right bible thumpers? Come to think of it, I am all those.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The status of the State

  Union: The act of uniting, or state of being united. One thing even the President had to admit, and that is, as a county, we are divided. Not since the Civil War has the vitriol  been this viscous, never the edges of that divide so sharply defined. The truth is that we are a divided people, and that ain't good. Also, if you are a believer in the old adage that together we stand, divided we fall, then the state of the Union isn't strong, but dangerously weak. In truth, I didn't bother to watch the president's speech, because I already know his talking points, and though from what I hear he presented them quite elegantly, they were afterall, the same old ones he always talks about, so why listen in and get aggravated by the futility of it all? The nation is divided, no one, left or right denies that, but to who should go the blame? I didn't watch the speech, but I tuned in after it to see the reaction. Came upon a focus group of twenty-two people, split 12/10 either for or against the President. I listened to the supporters views, because I wanted to understand how they could be so blind. For the most part, they were well spoken and articulate. How could this be I wondered, how can intelligent people be so.. , so dumb? The millenials I can understand, afterall, they're kids, but the adults? There was an elephant in the room, and he wasn't a Republican. The simple fact, that the only alternative to annoiting Hillary Clinton as the first woman president and party standard bearer, was an avowed Socialist. If this doesn't prove how far left the reasonable Democrats have been pulled by this administration, I don't know what will? So we're divided, the new Socialists against the Republicans, and let me tell you, that is about as far apart ideologically as you can get. But whose to blame for this terrible state? Again, the group split along party lines, the Obama supporters blaming Congress, and the other side blaming the President. Granted, Congress has become little more then an inept bunch of political elitists, who go around patting each other on the back. But it isn't the job of Congress to lead, that is the job of the President. What we needed was a leader, and that means, to be out front, c'mon follow me, I'll get us out of this mess type of guy! What we got is a term I'm not familiar with, Leading from behind? I haven't a clue where the term came from, nor do I know what it means. I do know that, at this point in our history, we are hopelessly divided, and that fault is squarely on Barack Obama. Someone once said, and I believe it was a Democrat, that the buck stops here. It stopped, but nobody was there? Out golfing the sign said? The name of the elephant is Press, because these people aren't truly ignorant, just uninformed. Honestly, for me, the most disheartening and scary thing, is the politicalization of the press. From Benghazi to the shameful act of the IRS targetting non Democrats for harassment, it didn't matter how big the story, if it hurt the Obama regime in any way, the network news organizations wouldn't cover it. The people aren't stupid, just uninformed.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Of logic and proportion

  When your confidence gets torpedoed, and your self esteem all shot to hell, what now Bruce? It is during those moments of doubt, when they rise up like a chill upon your skin, don't you just hate that? I hate having doubts, and so I allow as few as I can, but then again, too few to mention.
  There is a storm rising in this nation, an awakening. The forces of evil are already here, they burrow deep like ticks on a dog. But there is good news though, as the Lord is here too. If this country is to survive this onslaught of evil, both from without and from within, we as a nation must turn back to the Lord. Our churches and synagogues should be bursting at the seams, but their not.
  You follow godlessness, you make heros out of people confused about their bodies. You worship lies and call it morality, but for you, Morality set sail and left a long time ago. You think of yourself as selfless and free, but you rejoice in an island of fools. You have lost any sense of morality, you have become a rudderless ship. But the Lord's patience with you is wearing thin, but you rejoice in tempting him to the limit. I will tell you again, for those who have ears, The great and terrible Time of the Lord is at hand, and your arrogance may soon cost you your life.