I love when people say to me, that they are not religious, because can I tell you something brother, neither am I. Oh, in the actual sense, yes, I'm a Christian. But what that means to me, differs somewhat to how others worship. Because to me, Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship. All any religion is really, is a set of doctrines, set up like rules and regulations, of what to do and how to do it, as a guideline to get you to know a holy God. The relationship aspect, comes first in acceptance. Actually reading the bible is a good start. But however much you might tell someone, when discussing the reality of God, that you know its true, because you have a relationship with him, the conversation will most always go to religion, their differences, and the problems in the world that have come from those differences. But the reality of the existence of God, too often, gets limited to the limitations of religion.
Jesus Christ, was and still is, the God-man, wholly God, and wholly a man. He had friends then, we call them disciples, but there were many other encounters, as this God-man named Jesus Christ actually walked among us. Even the haters won't deny that historical fact. And like any other natural man, he had people who he considered friends, and those who he did not.
Why do I tell you this? Because if you look at it from his physical, actual man side of things, he was looking for like minded people to be his friends. Jesus still wants to be your friend. God wants a relationship with you! You see, for Jesus, because he is also God, in that God-man self, when you desire to have him as a friend, it is no different, if you took his hand in friendship then, because God transcends time, and so, when you become his friend, it is as real for him as it would be for us, if we were to meet and shake hands. Phew! didn't think I'd find an end to that one?
But rather then limit our discussions about God to any religion, what if, in stead of labeling people by their religion, if we were to group them another way? Perhaps then the subject of God wouldn't be so divisive? What I propose, is that we put people into only three groups. Believers, Agnostics, ( those who are on the fence about most things), and atheists.
If we were to do this, the most obvious thing will be, that the agnostic group is by far and away the largest. This is because we are looking at real numbers here. Most people who claim one faith or another, when pressed, will tell you that they have serious doubts. Mostly, these doubts come from the fact, that most people have the mistaken idea that God and science are exclusive of each other. They are not!
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