Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tested Truths: The Choice

Tested Truths: The Choice:   Truth, victory, lies, despair. Anger and rage, fear, love, truth, wisdom. All are basic human emotions, those things which are common to u...

The Choice

  Truth, victory, lies, despair. Anger and rage, fear, love, truth, wisdom. All are basic human emotions, those things which are common to us all. This wisdom, this design immaculate , has a designer! He is the intellect beyond measure, he is the knower of it all, because he is the inventor of it all! He is God, and he is who he is. He is the grandeur beyond greatness, and it is because of him, that you are able to think at all! He is God, he is the Creator, and it is He who beacons you. Come live with me forever, He says, Come, live with me, or choose a life of eternal darkness forever? The choice is yours!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tested Truths: Your Country Needs You!

Tested Truths: Your Country Needs You!:   So I figured to get at least one more in, because I expect that I will be quite busy doing other things soon? So, what to write? I thought...

Your Country Needs You!

  So I figured to get at least one more in, because I expect that I will be quite busy doing other things soon? So, what to write? I thought perhaps something geopolitical, something that would tie the bible in with our current political situation, without tying you down with a lot of bible passages that you wouldn't understand? A quick point of interest for those of you who know little about Christianity? There are two trends of thought when it comes to the end times. One being, that the believer would be raptured, (brought up into the sky with Jesus at his second coming) Before the tribulations, and the other point of view is that the rapture will occur after, or during the tribulation, so that the believer too must go through it? I've always been partial to the former, but I guess we'll have to wait and see? But also, the tribulation, and the time of troubles has already begun? Just look around you. The world is on fire, and the United States is more divided now then in any time in our history!
But back to the politics of this age. All of the bible scholars I have read, teach that in order for the anti christ to take power, there must first be a united government. A one world government, a new world order for the new age. Obviously, the biggest jewel in this new government would be the United States! So, what's the point of all this? The political theatre that you see being played out on the world stage, correlates directly with what the bible teaches. But how do you knock the dust of the old book, and make modern day assumptions? If this one world government is to come to be, how would the politicians lead us to accept this universal mentality? Socialism my friends, socialism is the chosen vehicle that is to deliver us all to this bright new promise?
  Supposedly, most of you Millennials don't know anything about socialism, and so they tell us that you are too dumb to fear it? Well, it isn't that hard to find out. You would not even have to go back more then a century to see how well socialism has worked in the past. Nazi Germany started as a Socialist Republic, The USSR, and even more current, you have China and North Korea! Now these last two are Communist, but there is really little difference between the two, as neither work out very well for the middle class and the working man! Incredibly, after all this failure, there are still those who believe that they can make it work, and that this time it will be different? But it never hurts the ones selling this crap, because they are the elitists, too rich to be affected. Hollywood is full of this type! Don't believe them, and when you get in that voting booth, vote every socialist leaning fool out of office! Your country needs you!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tested Truths: Mysterious Ways

Tested Truths: Mysterious Ways:   Well, its come down to this? I guess I'm going to have to swallow my pride, and admit to the fact, that for most of you, I am just a c...

Mysterious Ways

  Well, its come down to this? I guess I'm going to have to swallow my pride, and admit to the fact, that for most of you, I am just a curiosity, the butt of some water cooler jokes.
  But the Lord does work in extremely mysterious ways? Because for me, the way I had it figured, was that I would have been earning a living by now? But the way I thought it would go, is not at all how it went? I thought that by now, I could earn a living through my writing, but this goal has become an insurmountable task! The latest blow came from the publisher I hired, and a Christian one at that! I never dreamed that they would put up such a roadblock?
  But you can't keep a good man down, so I have decided to return to my trade, the one in which I have 40 plus years experience. To that end, the company is still in it's infancy, but I will tell you this, Whoever hires me will get one hell of a good job!
  Oh, and I almost forgot? Regarding, having the right to earn a living, I have decided to sell some of my paintings. Anyone interested, please contact me via email. If for some reason that doesn't go through, send it via the U. S. mail! Thank you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tested Truths: Nuckle Brained Sidewinders

Tested Truths: Nuckle Brained Sidewinders:   When Max does something really stupid, I call him a Nucklehead. But there are those times when his stupidity reaches dizzying heights! So ...

Nuckle Brained Sidewinders

  When Max does something really stupid, I call him a Nucklehead. But there are those times when his stupidity reaches dizzying heights! So I thought to myself, perhaps a deeper name was in order? So, while looking past his knuckle shaped cranium, I saw that his brain too was knuckle shaped! And so, for those occasions when his stupidity knows no bounds, I call him Nucklebrain.
  Unfortunately, this malady is not limited to just dogs? Most of you are little more then nuckleheaded sidewinders! Surely, satire and sarcasm have their place, but still, under all the fluff and bull, lys the truth. Now calling people nucklebrained might seem a bit severe, but the plain truth is, more people are stupid then not.
How would you go about spotting the nucklebrained people? Well, it's easier then you might think? The truth has a way of making people uncomfortable at times, but the truly nucklebrained among you are terrified by it!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tested Truths: My God," it's full of stars"

Tested Truths: My God," it's full of stars":   How powerful are words? No doubt you have heard the old adage about sticks and stones? Well they got that one backwards, because words can...

My God," it's full of stars"

  How powerful are words? No doubt you have heard the old adage about sticks and stones? Well they got that one backwards, because words can strike terror right down to the marrow of the bone! A beating your body can take, but to have your soul crushed? No my friends, words can cut more deeply then any blade.
  Of course, the toughest of all words to hear, are those of truth. There is no escaping truth, because the truth will out! These things, these declarations hang in picture frames on the walls of the great dining hall in the Kingdom of Heaven! There is power in these placards, even though they never move. Power, there is power in everything in the kingdom, you can feel it, it's palpable.
But what is to become of those who reject out of ignorance? There is no room for ignorance when the question is a simple one.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tested Truths: Leaving Port

Tested Truths: Leaving Port:   Exhaling deeply, George could finally feel himself relax, the mounting pressures seemed also to fade? So many problems, so much yet to do....

Leaving Port

  Exhaling deeply, George could finally feel himself relax, the mounting pressures seemed also to fade? So many problems, so much yet to do. As they passed the breakers where the ocean met the bay, he turned and looked to the horizon, to see what was ahead. It was a beautiful day, the ocean calm and soft.
But there on the horizon, it looked like foul weather ahead? Well, he said to himself, might as well make the best of it, and a little prayer tonight, one for safe passage wouldn't be bad either. He had booked passage on this ship, he had been saving for it for years. It was on one of those three mast wooden ships, a marvel of wood and craftsmanship! As soon as he first got on board her, he could smell her! A texture of fine wood oils, that smelled like the finest perfume! He loved it immediately, the ropes and the rigging looked just as he had imagined they would. It was perfect!
The deal was of course, that in addition to his fee, he was to work as a mate on the voyage. This was to be no pleasure cruise? Room eight, George said to himself, while struggling with his gear. Where the hell is room eight? The entrance to below deck was right in front of him, and he took a step and stopped to admire the door. Just out side the end of the stairs was the galley off to the right. And just beyond the galley, a huge timber stood at the hallway, where the galley ended, and the hallway begun. Room eight was the first on the right. His roommate was to be a man named Gunther, a man who had worked on this ship for going on 7 years now. Or at least that's what the brochure had told him? George threw his sack onto the cot that had to be his? The other side having that lived in look. He reached into his back pocket and began reading the intinary The passengers where to board at ten, and they were to meet their new crewmates at 12 sharp for lunch at the galley table. It was 11 o'clock already, I'd better hurry, he thought. Stepping into his room, he slung his gunny sack onto the cot. The same gunny sack that he had just bought the week before at the Army Navy store. The door to below, and the doors to all the rooms were solid on the bottom, and louvered at the top, everything he had hoped it would be!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tested Truths: Legacy

Tested Truths: Legacy:     Legacy,  poor Peyton, how can a guy deal with such talk? Peyton Manning is one of the best football players who ever played the game, an...


    Legacy,  poor Peyton, how can a guy deal with such talk? Peyton Manning is one of the best football players who ever played the game, and among quartwerbacks, you can label him elite, but legacy? The man is thirty seven years old! Legacy, are you kidding me?
  But still, the fact remains that Peyton played lousy in a lousy game. Every prognosticator I heard, including myself, thought that this would be a very close game But it wasn't, and will probably be remembered as one of the worst Super Bowl games ever! So now, they will write about the game, and some will be remembered as gracious loosers, and some humble winners, but in the end, it is what it is, and what it is, is just a game!
  It is sport, big time sport, and it generates billions of dollars! But here's a question? Why is it that the NFL is tax exempt, what is the logic behind that? Are the other pro sports also tax exempt? When I heard this, I thought it was a joke, and I hope it still is, but couldn't the tax revenue from such a healthy endeavor be quite handsome? Obviously we love our sports! And because we love our sports, many, including myself, would be interested in investing in profession sports franchises, particularly in the games that we love.