Sunday, December 15, 2013


  Waiting and looking, but not a shadow was cast, there was no inkling of any response. The offer went out, but it was met with only silence? No reason was given for the lack of response, and none had been asked for. The offerer must move on, and the reasons for why the rejection must not be dwelt on. Better dismissed, and left to be of no importance. This occurs in life with some frequency, and is true in every circumstance. Whether it be a hand extended in the simple act of friendship, or of a love offered and rejected? All have felt the sting of rejection, and it hurts!
  But what of the offer of God? Eternal life, eternal bliss, bathed in Wisdom forever, is what He offers! But how much thought, if any, do you put into considering the promises of eternal life? Do you deny yourself thinking about it because you think the subject to be too complex for you? It isn't really you know, because the truth is quite simple!
You either by faith, believe that God is exactly who he says he is, or, by faith that there is nothing beyond this life, you reject this? To dismiss the reality of God, simply because you think the subject too difficult, is no reason to reject anything, and certainly not a subject of such dire consequence! Look for God as an intellectual challenge. Look for him, and challenge him, asking all of your questions. I can assure you that he is more then up to the task! The simplest way to find God is by reading about him, and the easiest way to read about him is in the Book of John. A short read that is not hidden in the nuances of poetry, but is more straight forward. The only thing that you must remember when reading the opening lines of the first chapter, is that Jesus is the word!      

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