So now that the verdict is in, again we will have our national pulse taken! There are those, who to use the President's words, looked to gin up the situation, and have racism raise it's ugly head again? If the outside of the courtroom, immediately after the verdict was read is an accurate barometer, perhaps we will be fine? There was no dancing in the streets by the Zimmerman supporters, nor was there any violence or any obvious taunts from the people who supported Trayvon Martin.
This has become a national discussion, one that we can all learn from! But particularly to the black community, many of who, will look at this whole thing in a personal way? They have been told by the Sharpton types, that white against black racism is alive and well in this country, and this incidence, and a verdict, other then guilty would be proof of that racism? This trial was about a tragedy, a young man who had his whole life ahead of him is dead! Is George Zimmerman a racist? He might be, but that is not what this case was about. The only two people who know exactly what happened that night are the two involved in the fight, and sadly, one cannot testify! Incredibly, there are people who believe that most whites and white Puerto Ricans do hate blacks, but this is untrue!
Are there racist whites? You betcha! But did you know that by percentage of race, white people who hate blacks, and black people who hate whites, that black people by far are the most racist? It's funny the things you can learn from music? Lately, I have been listening again to Bob Marley. Because of this, I became interested in the Rastafarian religion, and that led to a better understanding of what type of people the slaves were, and how it was that they became so complacent? I figured that they wer mostly uneducated, not much more then simple dirt farmers? Obviously, most were a simple people, but many were from royal families with rich heritage, and traditions that went back thousands of years! How is it that once proud people like these came to accept their captors, and adapt to that slave mentality? Surely, the physical aspects in the form of abuse had somthing to do with it. So they would work the fields, and do what was needed to survive, but how was it that they came to embrace their lives? It was the plantation mentalty that said, As bad as things are, at least we have food and a warm place to sleep oncold winter nights! They became dependent on their taskmasters.
Sadly, today, there is a different kind of slavery in place?
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