The Bible tells us that in the end times, many will come in his name. What this means, is that many will come who don't know God, but claim that they do. Not that there is anything new about trying to discredit the bible, there isn't! It's just now that we get closer to the end times, there will be a lot more of them!
All will tell you a pretty story, why there's even some beautiful young fairies and goddesses to make your journey a pleasant one? But then there is the other type, and this kind appeals to your intellect? Let's focus on these then shall we, and leave the fairies to the Fairy Tales!
There is a lot of misinformation out there. Just the other day, I heard someone say that all religions taught that people are born good? Obviously her knowledge of religion is extremely limited! Here's the one I didn't want to do? I figured by now it would have just gone away, but according to the Times best seller list, it hasn't?
Obviously I speak of Mr. O'Reilly's book. But let's leave the biblical perspective aside, and look at one of his assertions from a common sense point of view. Before we do that, let's set the scene for you shall we? Which civilization would you say is the most morally bankrupt, our current time, or during Jesus' time? Now only an idiot would say that we are superior morally to the people of biblical times! The point? The point is that we don't even justify murdering someone over a tax write off, do you really think that they would? Jesus was sentenced to death because he was convicted of blasphemy, and certainly not because of a tax write off! And yet, apparently, there are plenty of fools!
The Bible is true folks, and it will weather these latest attacks, just as it has done for thousands of years!
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