Wednesday, January 23, 2013


  Over at the EPA, the natives were restless. They had heard him mouth the right words, but still, the radicals did not believe him! In fact, all at the agency had become nervous, as lately, the people seemed to be catching on? Certainly, that traitor Al Gore had not helped the cause, and they were in full blown damage control! The EPA was their meal ticket, and all of them prospered. Even those far down on the totem pole! The oldest of their Public Relation's people had been very successful with his last paper! He had told the story of how the lakes froze thicker and for longer when he was a kid. And it had been an easy sell, as it was true! But beyond that, he also knew the bigger truth? He knew that weather was cyclical, and his story, was for a time period no larger then a grain of sand on a beach, when that beach was the natural world and the environment, which existed long before men, and would endure long after humankind was long gone!
  But this wasn't about science, not real science anyway, This was about money! Because everyone who aligned themselves with environmental issues did quite well indeed! Millionaires were made of it, and not a small amount of career politicians. These would dutifully fall in line, each time another law was enacted, by campaigning and voting for whatever that new rule was? The EPA was a cash cow, and there was more then enough to go around!
  He sighed deeply, as he considered the hypocrisy of it all, but then, set about compiling his next white paper called, 'Climate change and you.' It was due on Thursday, and today was already Tuesday!

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