Monday, January 21, 2013

Lefty News, 1/21/13

  At the Whitehouse, they are thankful for good weather! For today, much hoopla is planned! Indeed, even those who have only been trained to think so, look back on their many victories! Today is a confirmation, of all that they hold most dear? The abortion mills still go about killing babies, and no one seems to care? The Country has been successfully separated into small easily managed groups. We are divided now by race, by gender, and by our wealth and social standing. Oh yes, it has been a most successful four years! The war against evil has been abated, as the upcoming International events, will make the unanswered murders of four brave Americans in Benghazi, pale by comparison! The Pakastani doctor who aided us in getting Bin Laden, has been safely put away, locked up for life, and a grateful nation, pays it no mind? The count of the atrocity in Libia, has reached 60,000, and murder and mayhem is rampant throughout the world! But today is a day for celebration, and a celebration we shall have!
  But for most of the people, today is just like any other day. Just another day, trying to make ends meet? Afterall, the first time was historic, but by now, it has become like an old hat. There is little luster this time around, because this time, we know who he is. No more searching for college dissertations, no more need to read his thesis?
  Still, it is for the favored, that will celebrate the hardest, for this has been an almost perfect first term! Why they had even been able to raise the likes of the smallest of the small factions? Hadn't the atheists prevailed at the Democratic Nation Convention? Hadn't they come within a whisker of casting any mention of God from their plank? Why it took an nationally televised false vote to rid themselves of this political pariah, but still, wasn't the vocal base still the unadvertised winner? "Just imagine how close we came", they think," to eliminating any mention of the God of our Fathers?" Wow! This is a reason to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Geography has never been my strong suit, and there are so many troubled spots, it's easy to get them confused? Make the sixty thousand dead from Syria, Libya has enough problems ! Please adjust your post accordingly? Thank you!
