Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Going Home

  Day upon day, hour after hour, it never stops. We are baffled by it all, befuddled and disappointed. We've been roust about, been through the mill. And just when you think that things just can't get any worse, the problems keep on coming, and there seems to be no end in sight. But if only for a moment, forget all the drudgery, and refuse to give in, and don't get caught up in the daily disappointments. Each of our lives are different, we are separate from each other and yet one people. Affirmation is what we demand, "Show me" is something you say, and a voice rumbles back and says, "Find Me". You have been dislodged from your post, adrift, awash in the trials of life. 

  How you doin friend we say while passing each other in the street, do you know the way home? They say that home is where the heart is, but the heart is a lonely sailor. Buffeted by the same winds it creates while chasing after whims. The soul knows what the heart desires, it knows what the heart has forgotten, and so naturally, the heart is drawn to the soul, as it holds the essence of what it is that you want but cannot understand. It is that emptiness feeling that gnaws at us all. Each of us have it, that empty feeling that we don't understand and cannot explain. It is like a hole in ourselves, that we do not see, but desire to fill. And so we wind up chasing what we do not understand, it is this mutual longing that each of us have. Some how, some way, we must find an answer to this desire for a meaning beyond ourselves. This is common, and a way of life for all of humanity. It is the peace of mind we lack, a freedom from worry, an end to relentless doubt. 

  The emptiness and longing that you just can't put your finger on, is the same longing that calls us home. Each of us has heard this call in the distance, for some faintly, while for others the sharp sounding of a resonant bell. But this calling to return home is from the home you have never seen, for this calling is from an eternal home, it is meant to be our destination after the trials and tribulations of this life have come to an end. Unlike this home, our intended eternal home comes complete with safety and joy forever more, forever. This home that we long for is not of the here and now, this home that we desire without ever having seen is our eternal home. Our bones which have risen up from the dust of the earth will one day return there. But this is not our intended home, our only true home is where God is, and our Lord God who beckons us. it is he, Jesus, who once walked among us. For only He knows the way home, for our true desire is to return to our Creator, it is God Himself who is missing in our lives, and only Him, Jesus, can show us the way home. And this is all we have always wanted but could never quite understand. We want safety, we long for peace and understanding free from any doubt or worry, we want to go home, and only through and with Him can we find our heart's desire, Home, eternally, safe at home forever and ever. Amen and amen        

Friday, May 3, 2024

Perfect Timing

  If it hadn't have been too early, it would have been too late. Perfect timing, it is so hard to achieve. But imagine if you can, having the ability that whatever your interest, having the power to have these interests manifest themselves into reality. At the spare of the moment, like the snapping of a finger, that you could create a reality, alter any situation, and create it in such a way that the logic of it left no room for chaos or confusion. 

  What would you do with such a power, how would you go about setting the play into action? This kind of power is as the sun is to light, self evident, one as the other, the same. If you were the type of person that is cluttered and confused, the worlds and their realities would be as you are, cluttered in chaos. Your creation would be as a testament of your personality. 

  God has always had, and forever will have, this kind of power. Though for Him, rather than with the snapping of a finger, His way is by speaking His thoughts aloud as spoken words. The age old objection has always been, coming from some point in the past, that God and science were mutually exclusive. In truth, not only are they not exclusive of one to the other, in actuality, one confirms the other. This world, our galaxy, the cosmos. All are not in the meaningless confusion of chaos. In fact, they are in perfect order, everything is what it must be. To everything a purpose, for everything a place. In a word, Perfection. 

  No doubt by now, most of you have heard the term "fine tuned universe." This perfection of all that is no matter the size, is the point of the source of the frustration felt, by those who stubbornly hold to randomness, and the everything from nothing theory. They berate those who believe in a creator, and deny the existence of God. But make no mistake, those who hold to the notion that God and science are separate and different from each other are all just well educated fools. They make light of those who hold to a great designer, a Creator of everything that was and is, and has yet to come. Because rather than the two being exclusive of each other, it is quite the opposite, One verifies the other because they are a part of each other. They mock those who's faith is in God. But what is their faith, everything from nothing? 

  God is perfect, and so the cosmos and all of its realities is, as is, the source of the words spoken in the beginning. Perfect, finely tuned, not chaotic, but rather, perfectly said and done as they must be. Perfection personified as our living God. And just as He is perfect, so is all of creation perfect. The perfection of all that is, a creation made perfect by its Creator, a creation so precise and so accurate. The stuff of great thought, from the thinker alive before time. He is the Lord our God, perfect and pure, for He and he alone is worthy of all our praise, all power and glory are His, and He has made a way for all people to come to where He is. A way, the only way, for He is the Way.  Amen