The turning point for our people is at hand. For those who dare read it, Psalms chapter fifty two is that, this chapter of the book, this is about them. They all know it, they just hold it inside. They keep the truth they know bound up with lies.
These are the connivers, the shrewd liars, they are thick, covered in spider webs. And then to the neutral, but for the neutral for politics sight. You must ask yourselves, " neutral for what"?
Sadly as a proud American I must tell you that this is true for far too many of you. When evil has become simply a way of life. Woe! Absolute crystal clarity has evaded you, you offer up your children on the altars of Baal.
What would you do with a people who have become so perverse, so twisted? Your politics aside, you have much more important things to consider. What would you do with such a blood thirsty gang? God will punish those who run to resist Him, He will punish those who resist truth at all costs.
Seriously consider this passage of scripture, take a good long look at yourselves before you look to others in judgement. There is but one true judge of us all, and He reigns from a place of stature, of perfection, and purity.