Thursday, March 28, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024
A Triune Nature
Just thinking of the triune nature of our God. Three individuals, three faces. Now of course, recognizing the face of Jesus is easy as he was once one of us. A historical fact that no one disputes. He became one of us for about thirty three years. Jesus the man was born and died here.
The Holy Spirit? Much harder to see because he is like the wind. Unseen and yet felt all around. The Spirit may not be seen, but his presence cannot be denied. The holy spirit as like the wind, no one knows from where it came or to where it goes. The Holy Spirit cannot be seen, but again, his presence is all around us.
But what of the other personality, that of God the Father, the father who Jesus prayed to directly. How do we see Him? The question brought the thought to mind how the Bible speaks of marriage. Scripture tells us that it is to be as a three strand cord that should never be broken. A man and woman wrapping themselves around Jesus, that is the three strand cord that can never be broken.
And so it is with the Godhead. Jesus and his holy spirit entwine them selves around the Father, and that three strand cord can never be broken. Unlike the atom, God cannot be split. A three strand cord that can never be broken! All power and majesty are with the One. The God of our fathers, whole, three natures but one God. Who else can dare compare of Him? All power is His, all that is of light and none of what is total darkness. One God, one creator, one master of all, one grand designer, the builder of all. The life force around which everything revolves. Everything with him and through him, and without Him, nothing can be. He reaches over the curtain of time, for with Him there is no limit. Mighty and powerful God, awesome, filled with wonder and all glory. To know him is a blessing, to deny him a curse. Surely you have felt the rumblings, surely, unless of course, you are already dead.
Come to God, come to the living entity from beyond time. Come to him and learn, come sit at his feet in perfect comfort. Join Him in His realm, join Him, for with Him is everything that has or will ever be. But desire this as a fine place with understanding, knowing. That, the only way to get to God the Father is through the sacrifice of His only son. A sacrifice, a bridge, the only way, there is none other. Worship the sacrifice of your savior and be forever grateful. For, through Messiah is the path of eternity, and going with Jesus is the only way to get there.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
H. I. (Human Intelligence)
The complexity of any issue should never dissuade you from wanting to understand it. No matter the entity or the thought, all complex matters consist of many simplicities. To follow any subject that interests you, begins with your understanding just one of the simpler more obvious parts within the whole. Now that your interest has been piqued from the understanding of this simple part, this leads to understanding the smaller seemingly unimportant parts of the larger problem. This process repeats it self over and over again, until at some point you realize that this once seemingly insurmountable mountain appears no longer as impossible, but rather, by the connecting of the most obvious smaller truths like dots one to the other, leads to the understanding of the larger complexities revealing themselves, from the questions raised by how one smaller point connects to the other.
It is at this moment of understanding, that the logic of reality dawns on you, that complex matters whether physical or conceptual, consist of many smaller more obvious truths, and that all the larger seemingly complex matters consist of many smaller simpler parts. And, it is by following them, and connecting the logic necessary from the questions raised, as to how and why these smaller truths connect one to the other, leads to understanding the whole of the matter.
Now that Google's Gemini, and also, other brands of so called artificial intelligence have shown themselves only as artificial, and by Google's machine having had pulled the curtain back, we find not a miracle machine, but rather the mad ravings of a fool, and further proving, that these so called marvels of technology are incapable of any real thought, but only the foolish bias of the human that programs it. Maybe this obvious fact will lead you to want to know if in fact there is a perfect unbiased and truthful super intelligence? If you put your faith in these machines that were so trumpeted, advertised as being the next greatest thing, which in reality are so lacking in truth of advertising. In truth, they are nothing more than a brilliant marketing ploy. These huge super computers can handle, sort and collate incredible amounts of data, and certainly have their place in math and science, but to consider them the place to turn for truth and understanding, is a fool's game at best, and extremely dangerous at worst.
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