The truth, whether ringing out loud from the canyons of our mountain ranges, or as a whisper in the wind, will not go unheard. Lately, we are witnessing an outbreak of truth nation wide. But, is what is true heeded? well, thats another subject all together. But in the end, no matter the subject, when the query is broken down to its common denominator, it is either true or false. Absolute truth will always be greatly more powerful than a well constructed web of lies. Truth is singular by nature, while lies must remain hidden, and so is always evolving.
The world in general hates absolutes as they wrongly see it as an infringement of their freedom. Absolutes are simplistic and obvious, while lies on the other hand, must stay always shrouded in darkness. But the world tends to make the simplistic difficult, and by so doing, waste time being knee deep in the weeds, while discussing those weeds. Confusion is the stuff of fools, they deny the undeniable, and think of themselves as wise by so doing. These are those who are so impressed with themselves, though they hold a minority opinion, that they take their egotistical nature to the point of obvious narcissism. These are the continually angry people, who, scream when spewing their ignorance and hate, whenever someone challenges their limited point of view.
Having said that, the people who are of simple truths must resist laughing at these obvious fools who cling so desperately to the untruths of the subject at hand. In other words, speaking the truth in love, which is an incredibly hard accomplishment, much harder than you might think. On a personal level, it is much more natural for us, to use the truth as a weapon. Especially when you consider that survival is a basic human trait, and so it comes naturally to meet anger with anger. In situations like these, when faced with the stubbornness which often accompanies incredible ignorance, it is better to remain silent, as violence is always the last act of wanton ignorance. Remember also, there are two different types of ignorance. One is that, most are just dumb to the subject. Dumb as in being unaware, or in another way, innocent. Similar to a baby touching an electrical outlet, without experience or proper guidance. If done by an adult, it is usually a very dumb action, but done by an infant is innocence. But then there is the other kind of dumb, the willfully ignorant kind. It is best to speak to the former, but hold your tongue with the latter, as willful ignorance when confronted by the truth, often leads to violence. For this type of individual, instructing them of their mistakes is useless, like casting your pearls to swine. In the case of those who choose to willfully lie, or, of those carried away with those lies, if they should honestly ask questions, then by all means, answer them with truth, and without prejudice or bias.
When did they become them, had a change in tense occurred? Or, when does a what become an it in all the confusion, are they not both unknown? And what about this, does it not at some point become that? Speaking of, just what are pronouns, is their purpose to root for the noun in question? Pronouns are, especially these days, much too difficult. Their usefulness has become confusing, as in what way can they enlighten in the context. Yes, pronouns can not only be confusing, but more often than not become a source of frustration. Personally, I much prefer a good adjective. Adjectives can be the flowers of speech in a caressing way, or, can be used in a negative declaration also. Compared to pronouns which have very little descriptive qualities, with adjectives, they add an embellishment that emphasizes the subject matter.
If used in "the flowers of speech" way, they can add softer nuances, helpful in romance, but also for more practical and mundane subjects. Of course as they can add beauty for good thoughts and happiness, so can they be used on the flip side, as the type of wordings that are meant to bring insult or harm in some way. Good adjectives for beautiful scenery and awe inspiring sights, come easily come to mind when explaining something that is pleasing. Certainly a still flat mountain lake with a perfect sky above would bring such exaltations.
But again, there is the other side. As an example, instead of simply saying that a certain ideology is ridiculous, and it's followers fools, you could go straight to an adjective that adds a little pazazz. for instance, when speaking of the sheeple of the lies, calling them stupid just doesn't seem a strong enough observation. Then, you might want to say instead, that these people or group of people, are morbidly stupid. Boom! Or, or you could choose a softer more nuanced approach and try to dull the point of the verbal barb you just hit them with. Adjectives can accomplish all of that and more, while pronouns? Hey, whatever floats your boat.