Friday, November 24, 2023
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Yes or No
Overhead it was heard, like a rippled roll of thunder across the sky, Was there trouble ahead he wondered, what do those thunderclaps mean? You certainly have my attention Father, he said, but I didn't know another way.
But the coming storm comes, Rising up, rising, for all, as an alarm for all to hear. This alarm, is an awakening for both type of people. For those who know Him, but also, for those who have refused him. The alarm, is both the tolling for the dead, and also of the living. If there is a point to this, I'm not sure what it is. Except, maybe to say, Experiencing the Spirit, for me, in one way, for you another. But for me, the Spirit comes upon me like a descending fog, it envelopes me. Never really sure what it is that I type, for they surely are not my words. Lost in the smoke. For this fog to descend onto you, where you are, wherever or whoever you are, first; you must know Christ. It's like that ole gospel song, I've got Jesus on the line! It is an explosion of emotions, all manner of emotions, regarding all points of view. And while you're trying to stop trembling and get your bearings, and Bam! The Lord hits you between the eyes with yet another perfect diamond of truth, and it staggers you. You are in awe! Surely this is the mind of God you think, because you know it isn't you. Freely communicating with the mind of God is exhilarating!
The Truth is, The Lord is coming back. He comes back first to take His bride. The Church, the only perfect church, His Church. He comes not only to take His believers, but to take both His Church, and also to allow great tribulations to come upon all the earth. But there will also come a time of perfect peace, A time when the blind will see clearly again, and those made deaf, will hear clearly for the first time. And the mouth? The mouth shall remember truth again, and speak it freely, freely and openly, and you will speak it aloud and rejoice!
So ask yourself honestly, Would I like to know God? There are only two answers, yes, or no. Choose yes! A lot of people are impressed by those who are well read, if you can honestly say that you read War and Peace, you are commended. The Bible is a big book also, admittedly, much harder to understand than is War and Peace. It is the greatest of all books, the oldest, and most accurate of all books. Read the bible as though it was the greatest novel ever. The book, which is most historically accurate, because it is the story with many tales, and each pertaining to life. What sets the Bible apart from all other books, is that it is chock full of great stories, written by some of the greatest writers throughout all time, but as good as these ancient authors are, the true author of the entire book, is the Lord our God.
Sunday, October 15, 2023
The Source
In any living entity, there is one primary part that is at the center of its life. In our lives specifically, this Source, this focused power, operates the basics such as heart beat, and orders the lungs to suck in air. Not only does this power source control the functioning of the body, it is also our actual consciousness, even while sleeping. All life from the simplest forms to the most complex, orbit around this focal center of Power. This Source, not only holds all the keys of life, but also, the keys of death. Everything that is, is so, because of this source. Nothing has, does, or will be; existed, exists, or will exist, that has or will, become a reality, became so, only because of this Center of all. This Creator.
All things spin. Galaxies throughout all of space, they rotate fastest at the center, while throwing off flailing star clusters in bended arms at the edges. If you have ever seen satellite photos of hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, galaxies look like that. Everything, including life itself, spins in one way or another. Storms on earth and weather systems spin, our moon spins around earth, while both the earth and her moon, orbit the sun. For us the old saying that what comes around goes around may sound like just a cute limerick, but is 100% true, as is, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. To deny this supreme being, this entity of unfathomable power, of logic, of perfect timing, of order and never chaos, is far beyond the simple naive beliefs born of ignorance, but is the epitome of the arrogance of man. It isn't new by any means, as it came from the original lie, that you can not only be like god, but be your own god. That ideology, that I have my truth, and you have yours mentality has led us to where we are today. Open wars as in Ukraine and now in Israel are at this time, the main players. But the world is on fire, murder rape and torture is rampant in virtually every corner of the earth. Violent storms and earthquakes are rampant also on this globe. The ignorant claim it to the green agenda religion, but as with all the religions made from the doctrines of men, is a futile attempt to make sense of even one part of the many, of this 21st century in the making. Man cannot control life, we cannot control the weather, and in reality, are finally, just now understanding this reality for what it is. Complex beyond all knowing. The intricacies and perfect tuning that controls everything that we can see from our limited perspective, makes it clear that we cannot save us from ourselves, only God can do that. The dire needs of this world and its people cannot be solved by men, and certainly not from the wondrous machines we have created. This country, and indeed, the entire world, has but one hope, and that is, to return to our Creator and His son Jesus, who came to this dying world by the plan of God our Father. He did this because we as people possess the depravity to slaughter our own children. A people so far from righteousness and truth can only make matters worse. The past great leader of Israel Golda Meir once said, with the knowledge that only a woman can truly understand, This senseless killing between our two peoples will only stop"When, Muslim mothers love their sons more than they hate ours. Choose God, for God is love, and only Love can give life, and that eternally.
Monday, September 25, 2023
This Too Shall Pass
There is a consistency to life, each day much like yesterday. When you are leaving work for the night, you say without thinking, g'night everyone, I'll see you tomorrow. You expect to see them, and odds are you will.
So here you are today, plumb in the middle of yesterday and tomorrow. Yesterday has been much as this day so far. And tomorrow? It is expected to be much like the two days before it, routine. As much as we find boredom in routine, we come to depend on it. Routine brings consistency, and consistency ferments trust, and trust, peace. Consistency is order, and we depend on routine. Routine, although a bit boring, is helpful, in that, it helps keeps chaos at bey.
But then there are those days of trouble, those days that bring on somber reflection. The type of days when you just don't want to get out of bed. OK you might say, I'm with you so far, but what is the point? Good question. The point is that routine is good, it is relatively dependable, and dependability brings order, and from order, peace. But as all this is true enough, there are also personally catastrophic days, days when there is no peace to be found in anything. Catastrophe always brings turmoil, while you'd much rather have a boring and routine day, because in routine is order, clarity, and peace.
The larger point of course, is that though we may reluctantly love routine, we learn nothing from it. Though we yearn for pleasure and times of fun, we can learn nothing from them either. Life's lessons come in sad times, from times of trouble. Good times fade fast, but hard times leave scars. The purist gold comes from fire. Sadness is necessary at times, because it brings on most often, a time of honest reflection. Now especially, as suicide in young people is so prevalent, it is increasingly important for those suffering from depression that they are told there is a silver lining, there is a way out. Though you may feel sad and lonely, even if at times you find yourself wanting to roll up into the fetal position in a dark corner of your room, and like that unborn child, be totally vulnerable. First, now that you are alone with yourself, don't dwell on the sad feelings, but rather, figure out what the problem is, separate it, and look at it honestly for what it is. Only when you understand and have isolated the problems, can you then consider what it is specifically that you can do to change each one for the better. Understanding what makes you sad, is so much better then just dwelling on your feelings. What is needed is truth, and Jesus is Truth, speak directly to him, speak to him as you would a friend. If you will do these things, your hope will return in time, and already you can see light at the end of the tunnel. Remember, God Himself has said, This too shall pass.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Reality; the First and the Last
Circular reasoning, it'll make your head spin. Round and round the conversation goes. The speakers circle the point, but never seem to get there. Though your point may be a valid one, it is not the point at hand, that, you missed. Thought, language, points of reference, or point at hand, everything that is, is made of countless points. Absolutes, are everywhere, without them there is no truth, and without truth, there is nothing but chaos, and no order. No point of start, no goal to strive for. Can you even imagine a world of complete unfocused chaos? The intricacies of this reality and all realities is so complex, that only the Intellect of intellects can manage it and keep it all functioning properly. In our daily goings on, our lives, such as they are today, are but a temporal reality. In other words, we all die!
Strange, there was a time when I got angry about those who resisted the truth, but now that anger has turned to sadness, a lament. Perhaps it is because I am one of you, but I want to share about the point that it is, and that it is, God Himself, who offers you this free gift. A gift with supernatural power. Your life, this consciousness and its meaning, this is life as it is in this world, but there is another life, a life for eternity. You can deny it if you choose, but I tell you the truth. You, each of us, can choose only one side of that eternal coin, because both of them are true and actual. We can choose life eternal, or, by our prideful ignorance, choose the other side of that coin, which is eternal death. I pray you choose life.
In truth, it is not me who calls you, as I am just the messenger. Rather, it is the orchestrator of all that is, for it is the Lord our God who calls you to Himself. He calls you to Himself. He, He who is called by many names. He is the God of gods, the Lord of lords, the great and mighty God, awesome God. It is He, who desires that you choose to live with Him in the infinite realm. Life, is so much better than death in every way. In life eternal, there is answers to all the questions, as with death, there is nothing. With Life there is Light, and with death, absolute darkness.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Theophanies is an angel of God. Unlike his famous brothers, Gabriel and Michael, he was as un-famous, as they are famous. In fact, his name is hard to find. But while Gabe and Mike were known as being a trumpet player and one tough hombre, Theo is spoken of without mention of his name. All angels are used by the Lord God in different ways and for different effects, and you could say, that God uses Theophanies as His all around construction expert.
His appearance when first seen in Ezekiel 40, is as a bronze colored man standing in a gateway. We are told that he had a line of flax, and a measuring rod for measuring in his hand. When he spoke, he tells the listener to, "Look with your eyes and hear with your ears, and fix your mind on everything I show you." Theophanies was a serious man, and so when he explained a detail to you, or, began to lay out the building project to a measurement so exact, that they were sometimes described as measuring down as small as a cubit and a handbreadth. The preciseness of the scrolled plan, or what we would call a blueprint, had to be perfect. Because, as the boss is perfect, so are His plans for whatever He would have built.
In this case, Theophanies is to measure out the distances and sizes of the millennial Temple. From the largest building, or, the area of the of the surrounding site, everything must be precise and exactly to plan. If you should go on and finish this short chapter, you can visualize the different rooms, their size and shape, the location of archways and doors, gates and windows. Even if you have never read a blueprint, the exactness and the precision, the attention to detail, is so impressive, that you will be able to visualize the building though you cannot see it physically in this reality. Though in the spiritual realm, it has been already built and made ready for it's time and purpose.
So what can be said of the angel Theophanies, other than the fact, that when it comes to being a master builder, Theophanies is the master of masters.
Friday, August 25, 2023
If I were to say to a group of females, You are all bitches, what would be the insult? In other words, what is it about that scenario that would have set you off? Would it be simply the word bitch, or would it be the meaning of the word? Obviously, the setting has not been explained, so the context the of scenery is up to you. But we are focused on the question at hand. For those of you who have never been told what the actual meaning of the word is, a Bitch, is a female dog.
So then, in your scenario, separate just the word itself, from the meaning of that word? Perhaps it was the setting that caused your reaction to the perceived insult? Perhaps it was meant as a joke, but you took it as an insult. Who's at fault then, is it the speaker or the hearer? If the scenario is, that the guy who said this was a comedian on stage in a comedy club, does that change your point of view?
Or perhaps he was a magician on stage, and he was busy conjuring up a spell, that would, when chanted, change all the women in the audience into, actual female dogs? In this crazy world of today, anything is possible, things change like the flipping of a dime. Though some fool will read this and be offended for God knows what reason, for the record, I meant no harm.
This is nothing more than a way of thought, a word game, something to consider for fun. Caution, If the above few sentences did upset you to the point of anger, you might want to delete it, burn it, whatever, but get rid of it! More often than not, people get angry because of a simple misunderstanding. We, all of us, male and female, need desperately to turn Down the temperature in this country. Instead of choosing to look at what separates us, look for reasons to unify. We. won't make it alone.
Monday, August 14, 2023
Words, they are in a way who we are. They come always in thoughts, a constant ever changing flow. Sometimes our thoughts are not only in words, but accompanied with snapshots of memory. Our thoughts may occasionally not cause us to pause, but they come none the less. They come to us in an endless procession, it seems we are always thinking, and we think because we are. Thoughts are spiritually driven, because they are spirit by nature.
We are of the human race, and we are not animals. Animals rarely if ever think, mostly, they just react. And it is us, we the human race, who sits on the throne above all other life forms common to this earth. We are top of the chain. Certainly, that does not mean that we don't appreciate and sometimes love animals. As kings and queens of all of earth's life, we take animals to the point of being like family. Animals have been a help to us throughout all of history and are so, still today. Animals have also been our beasts of burden, and they have also become a source of food. It has been that way since the beginning, as God gave us dominion over animals.
But we are not limited to just this earth, as our natural curiosity has made us also masters from the microscopic to the furthest expanses of the cosmos. Unfortunately for us, the tyrant class desperately needs another herding tool, a type of Covid part two, is necessary for us to willingly give more of our freedom away to a centralized government, or group of self elected leaders, who, will use fear and manipulation. And, The Invasion of the Space Aliens, will more than likely, use A. I. as an aid to turn our curiosity regarding the subject, into another false panic. Fear outsells sex two to one. This, the latest existential threat, is designed to once again have the population turn to the so called (experts?). Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us. Like the bloated beast it is, the federal establishment looks to further control us. I would tell you to ignore it, but perhaps it is already too late, as the masses are already being prepped for acceptance.
There are no little green men, there is no E T, because you see friends, We, are already supernatural beings. God himself tells us that we are made in His image, and we, the human race, are the most intelligent beings in this galaxy and of all the others beyond.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
The Blood
Family, lately I've been thinking a lot about family. Not just my personal family, but of the family of man. We are all of one blood, and blood as you've learned from various sources, blood is life. What people fail to realize is that we, every race creed and color of us, at the very beginning, for each of us, there is one set of parents. We are related, of the same bloodline,
We are one people, all God's people, One people. If evolution be true, then Hitler was right. There would be a superior race, the ones who first got away from the trees. Evolution proves that racism must exist. Do you really believe that we all crawled out of some slimy pit, and then each of us evolved at the same time? Thats idiotic. surely you don't believe that we each developed at the same rate? The so called superior race can only happen if evolution is true, it's common sense. But if God is the designer in chief of all that is, then we are what scripture tells us we are, One people, under God. Today, more than any other time in our history, everyone, no matter your silly politics, knows that this is a time of profound change.
One people, God's people, all of us, the good the bad and the ugly. We are one race, the human race. If not the Creator, if not God, then who, You? You are a strange one. The Bible speaks of leaving your first love. I tell you the truth, there was a time in this country when basic human morality was universal. Just another old man reminiscing you say? Hardly. No matter who we were as individuals, we shared a moral base. This is why the enemy attacks our base. Without a solid base a common fundamental understanding of right from wrong, then we are truly doomed.
The minister's of Wicked come always an attractive way, and always, with complete stealth. Like everything in life, there is a right side and a left side, a top and a bottom, the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do. The two extremes exist, there is Perfect Good, and Ultimate Evil. If it were a cage match, you shouldn't let Good's innocent face fool you, because that is his strength, and there is no weakness. Good must conquer evil, because whenever evil wins, people die.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Second Chance Saloon
Imagine if you can, that you could stay young forever. Forever young. Now, assuming that you have a plan in mind, What if you could take anything with you from this point to that. Besides the obvious physical improvement, what mind set would you choose to take back with you to then, from now? Would you choose to take all of your accumulated wisdom from now, and apply it to then? In other words, would you choose to know then what you know now?
Mind you, this little experiment carries with it one important caveat. You can only take wisdom, and not mere knowledge. There is a huge difference between the two. But rather than chase after that point, let's just keep it local. Knowing the type, and having seen the movie, it means that you cannot forward your knowledge of sport's history, and take it to your younger self, to get rich quick and easy, betting with your favorite sports book. Forget the vision of you peddling odds and knowing the outcome in advance. No, thats simple knowledge, wisdom is something completely different. Many of you know a person with a string of letters after his name, with a wall full of sheepskins in his office, who is dumber than a post when it comes to common sense. Knowledge no, wisdom yes!
So now that you know what the small caveat is, let me ask it again, If you could return, and, remain forever young, would you? And if you could, what would be your choice of age, and, what acquired wisdom would you give to your younger self from your older self? What would you do with a second chance at the game?
Unfortunately, back we cannot go, only forward. One step at a time, sometimes just slushing along and at times, running. But forward we must always go, the history has been made, it rolls up against the shore behind us in our wake, and it is what it is. What will be, is in front of us, passing this way quickly and rushing back from us, to quickly becoming history.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Who are you responsible for besides yourself? Family and close friends of course, but what about those outside your personal cluster of bubbles? You know, strangers, people from other countries, do we have any responsibility to them, and if so, at what point do you draw the line?
How large is your love sphere? The bottom line is that though we have different spheres, bubbles, with which we interact, break it down into groups if you must, but as an example, work friends, church friends, political friends, (keep a weather eye on these). Though the groups have their due influence, in the end, it's your bubble. In other words, it's your private space that matters most, and thats true of all of us. Sorry to hear that, but what about me? The world is going through many changes, and though slow change is healthy, quick and forced change never are. Look out on the horizon, and you too, keep a good weather eye out. Because on our journey through life, it doesn't matter what those other spheres are, or from where they came. Because all you have control of, is your personal sphere, Your private self. It doesn't matter what the groups do. Reach out to those less fortunate and needing help, yes, of course, to whom much is given, much is expected.
Exactly because the times are so volatile now, Today, and not tomorrow, we must each look deeply to ourselves, being honest with ourselves, as to who it is that we truly are. It's not a fun experience, but an important one none the less. This is life you see, This is the journey. Should you choose to embark on this journey, a word of caution. Tip one, beware of pride, specifically self pride, because self is a tyrant. Second; Speaking again about love, ask yourself honestly, consider regarding love, Have you taken more of it than you have given? What is going on all around us and all over the world is a spiritual war. As to what side you are on, that depends greatly, on who you truly are.
Oh, and by the way. In the end, God wins!
Friday, July 7, 2023
Titanic Rising
I don't know about you, but I'm just bursting with pride as our nation celebrated our 247th birthday recently. Coincidentally, just days before, the white house topped off gay pride month by a celebration of perversion on the front lawn of the people's house. The joint looked festive enough, with silky rainbow flags everywhere, including on the white house flag pole. The white house staff really went all out, as the grounds of the front lawn were festooned with bunches of pink and white balloons wherever you looked. What an important event, why our elected leaders could hardly contain their joy and made blathering speeches and sung songs praising their actions and that of their perverted guests.
America, what has happened to you? Have you thrown away your moral compass, so that now you have no heading on which to fix your course? Fully developed biological men now flaunt themselves in front of children barely old enough to attend kindergarten. This while wearing women's frilly underwear, under the dresses they wore for just such occasions. And the most amazing part is, the majority seems to either be fine with it at worst, or grossly over apathetic to it at best. They treat it with a wink and a nod. Have the alphabet people become so powerful? By in large, most people worship the creation rather than it's creator, but like it or not, we are all God's people whether you believe that or not.
But though all established religions will condemn this insanity, if you see it as only crazy religious zealots who know this is wrong, and by its nature, evil. You'd be right in a way, but wrong overall. Outside, the great outdoors! Nature, or what is natural. The beauty of all there is. So then, for those of you so limited that you can only worship things you can touch and see. Look around you in this natural world, what do you see? Not a lot of male lions dating other males, no gender confusion at all. As with us, biologically speaking, the male and female parts join together so perfectly, and so babies are born. Thats simple biology, and if you're not sure what that means, its Science! True, factual, actual, reality, purposeful, survival, Life!
It is time we became ourselves again, and cast off all that is so wrong, and to again be the home of the free and the proud. And I'm not talking only to the so called Gay community, because you see gang, We are all Bozos on this bus. All have sinned and fallen short. Bet you didn't know that sexual sins are a heterosexual problem also. God sees sex outside of the marriage bed, and yes, between a man and a woman, as sinful. What makes the difference? Owning up to your shortcomings, and not add to the misery of your fellow sinner, by trying to claim that your sin is different, its only natural. No its not!
We cannot help but wonder, how much more debauchery will it take, what fouler thing must happen until you come to realize, that like a ship without a compass to guide us, the secular world culture take us to ports of evil. Evil that will demand our worship. So far, by our silence about such evil, we as one nation have become passengers on the new Titanic. And as we raise our champagne glasses high in a toast, we are totally unmindful that the deep cold Atlantic awaits us.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
The battle for our Soul...
Truth is dying in the street, while lies flourish and ride high on the hog. Satirical sarcasms float barely noticed on the prevailing winds. Whether that wind be a Wind of Change, or just another strong wind of defiance, they clash head on at the intersection where east meets west. And we, being flushed hard from both sides, are left not knowing what to think?
Think for yourselves, but think of this time as being a crossroad. At this location, there is no forward, no down, but only left and right. Ah, but at the cross, from center, the only way is up. The left or right considerations, can only be solved by the thoughts free of the turmoil, only by looking up can our problem be solved. Untended situations left to simmer, will eventually bubble up and run over from all sides of the boiling pot. So then, How did we reach this place, how is it that we feel the pressure of impending doom? Being here, in this boiling mass of doubt and confusion. Which way is out, we ask. How might I free myself from this doubt and despair? The wise among us know the answer, but still, they too ask, What has happened to America, and from this point forward, in which way will she choose to go?
A cache phrase for both the left and the right has never sounded so realistic, so urgent. No longer can we deny it as simple hyperbole, it is and never was, an over statement to ask with all sincerity, where we will be after this next election, for this is completely true; The fight is for the soul of this nation. What we as a people allow to become the next four years and beyond, is completely on us, it's citizens to decide. A warning of sorts though, Choose wisely, choose for what is right and honorable, choose as if our sovereignty is at stake, because it is!
Simply spoken, clear of all smoke and trick mirrors, the actual choice you will make at the ballot box is this, Whether to remain the United States of America, or to be labeled as a state only of the world. The original status has served us well for over two centuries. This new proposed World Order, will surely bring tyranny. Freedom or tyranny, a free nation under God, or, a nation state, of the world, ruled by elitists who actually are arrogant enough to believe, that they know better than you as to how to achieve happiness. Wake Up America!, our collective soul is the real prize that evil people seek. We you see, are the prime ingredient, without the USA, the new world order will quickly become yesterday's news.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Tied at the Hip
Sometimes the days fall like rain and soak me to the bone. And then there are the times you look forward to, and would prefer a beautiful sky. Each day has enough trouble of its own. It is a part of the ebb and flow. A high banked river brings forth water in a rush.
Why all the ruckus? You've succumbed now, you are engrossed in the story. The soured wine touched His lips and he winced; Still grateful for the blush of dampness. Time is always relevant, as it goes along with us like a shadow everyday. Time is relevant, it has to be. because time is a product of the moment, Life is filled with moments, each unique to itself. Moments tend to over lap at times, and a collection of moments can collide and cause a blockage to your journey.
Though it's true that your life is made up of many moments, each quick like a snapshot, all stored for memories call. You see, in short what it is, is that, moments and time are tied at the hip. That is of course, until the moment of our passing. Then it is one of two things you will choose between. Whether to be happy as dirt, and just to return there? Dead, forever! The body rots and dies, but The Spirit of Life goes on forever.
It is ourselves that do the choosing. Most, if not all of us, given the choice, would choose a longer run at it, as it, life that is. For it, (life), was never intended to be this short. Infinity's view point, is that life is eternal, and that now, we really are like dust on the wind. From dust He made us, and from dust we will return, thats a guarantee. But as to where our personal life goes after we take our last breath? That is the question that you might want to seriously ask yourself. Follow your broken body into the dirt, or choose life?
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Letter to America
We who are finite by nature, cannot begin to understand that which is infinite. In a word; Infinity. Infinity is hard to explain, and the only way to see it in any form, is by its math sign, which looks like a deflated 8, laying on its side. Eternity is another wonder type word, as it too makes you think. It, like its larger self, Infinity, is hard to fathom, and impossible to get our minds to wrap around. Both of them reflect on immeasurable time. And yet, hopefully to clarify, Infinity can be thought of as an even longer period of time. You could say, that Infinity is eternity times eternity, give or take a few centuries.
Just being silly of course, because the answer is regarding such deep matters as these, is that there is no answer. Einstein famously grappled with this problem back in the mid twentieth century. Now, in this the 21st century, there is still much that we don't know. Today they speak of things like, dark matter, god of the gaps, what gravity is, space time continuum, and still we are no closer to understanding the limitations of time, and the areas that are outside of time and space. Infinity.
The point of this Letter to America, is to remind us of who we are in all of this. We as a nation united, or we, as American citizens separately, must start by 1st, acknowledging our God. Our most sacred documents, our money, His words chiseled into the stone of our buildings. In every aspect of American life, we cannot escape the reality that the same God on Whom this nation was founded, is the God that we have turned away from. These things, these horrors that come new each day, are of our own making, and are to our national shame. The One True God of us all, on Who, this nation is founded, still calls to His people to turn from their wicked ways. Humble yourself and pray, and stop this mindless march with evil.
Directly from the words of God taken from the Bible, if you will not relent, repent, humble yourself, and pray to me, I will not heal your land. But, instead, I will give you over to all of your evil desires, until you become the thing you worship; instead of worshipping The Lord our God, The Great, I am that I am!
Friday, April 7, 2023
Passover/Easter, 21st century style..
Down to just a few hours now, and the Passover lamb must be sacrificed. Of course the now we speak of was 2023 years ago, and not the actual now. But the Passover/Easter event is the basis for marking this time and all time. It can get confusing at times I know. But even the most intense atheist wouldn't deny the significance of this true historical event. Jesus walked this earth among us for some thirty three years, and his life and time is the centerpiece of all history. Everything is labeled either B C, which means before Christ, or, after his death. Easily the most famous person in history. His brief time on earth is the focal point for the marking of time throughout our history. Why even the ever popular Dinosaurs time is marked as B C. Well, before meandering off in a different direction, in stead of giving just another account of these most important three days, I thought perhaps another perspective for examining this event in time.
Different in that our point of reference is 600 years before the birth of Christ. I should tell you that the idea to look at it from this perspective came from Mac Arthur, the preacher not the general. He just recently released a 400 page commentary on the prophet Zechariah. According to Pastor John, Zechariah is the most overlooked Prophet by Christian and Jewish scholars alike.
I'm only two chapters in myself, but if you are a reader, particularly if you consider yourself to be a well rounded, smart reader, one who enjoys learning the deeper things regarding any subject, even at only two chapters, it is what I call, "a heavy read". Don't misunderstand, this is not like learning something difficult, nor is it beyond anyone who likes ready fascinating things. In this book of Zechariah, there are angels talking to God, angels among and around him, speaking directly to this human, Zechariah. And, even giving him proclamations from the Lord God, that he is to tell to the people. It ties directly to other prophecies, most notably the final book of the Revelation. Whether a believer and follower of Christ or not, talk between angels and God himself, and this average, just like us human being, makes for a great read! Needless to say, I highly recommend you read it. Whoever or whatever you think you are, it is an enlightening accounting, which is all the more so important, in this our time. It is relevant, and a great read! Happy Resurrection Day.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
How many Times
What is it! How many times have you asked yourself that, he thought. Where am I, what am I, why am I so different from the depths of the darkness that I see? Why is there such clarity of what I can see to the edges of me? Why am I so different from the depths of the darkness which I can see? Why am I so different? Because there is more of it than of me, and it has a name, Its name is darkness, who am I, what is my name? You are light. Who said that! Where are you? I can see lightness and darkness, but I can't see you. Why? Thats a tougher question, but who you speak of is spirit, he like your thoughts cannot be seen.
Thoughts are unseen and without weight or measure. You, are of that spirit, it's name is Life, or the enlightened one if you like. And now you can answer all your many questions, because though you sought to think to search yourself, and now that you have become who you are, The who, who you are meant to be, you will abide as one. Because you are who you are, you are you, and there is none like you. To you there is everything there is. You are alone, set apart, The first and the last, and you are now!
Just speak your thoughts, and it will be as you say. What you speak out from your thoughts to your lips, Speak it out loud from your mouth for what you will say will be. Your plan become reality. And so He did, He spoke out alone in the darkness, and;
In the beginning, the Lord created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning was the Logos, the word of God. In the beginning came all knowledge, and understanding. In the beginning, the logic of perfection spoke His plan alive. An impeccable plan, a precise plan, an order and not chaotic. Most physicists guys know already, of the perfection of both the micro and the macro. Their math is correct. In the beginning came the dance of order. All sciences, whether biological in nature or not, not a one will disavow the science, and the science being about the pursuit of truth, will admit to intelligent design. The odds of randomness? Thats a lonely island boys.
Friday, March 10, 2023
The Subject of Absolutes
The truth, whether ringing out loud from the canyons of our mountain ranges, or as a whisper in the wind, will not go unheard. Lately, we are witnessing an outbreak of truth nation wide. But, is what is true heeded? well, thats another subject all together. But in the end, no matter the subject, when the query is broken down to its common denominator, it is either true or false. Absolute truth will always be greatly more powerful than a well constructed web of lies. Truth is singular by nature, while lies must remain hidden, and so is always evolving.
The world in general hates absolutes as they wrongly see it as an infringement of their freedom. Absolutes are simplistic and obvious, while lies on the other hand, must stay always shrouded in darkness. But the world tends to make the simplistic difficult, and by so doing, waste time being knee deep in the weeds, while discussing those weeds. Confusion is the stuff of fools, they deny the undeniable, and think of themselves as wise by so doing. These are those who are so impressed with themselves, though they hold a minority opinion, that they take their egotistical nature to the point of obvious narcissism. These are the continually angry people, who, scream when spewing their ignorance and hate, whenever someone challenges their limited point of view.
Having said that, the people who are of simple truths must resist laughing at these obvious fools who cling so desperately to the untruths of the subject at hand. In other words, speaking the truth in love, which is an incredibly hard accomplishment, much harder than you might think. On a personal level, it is much more natural for us, to use the truth as a weapon. Especially when you consider that survival is a basic human trait, and so it comes naturally to meet anger with anger. In situations like these, when faced with the stubbornness which often accompanies incredible ignorance, it is better to remain silent, as violence is always the last act of wanton ignorance. Remember also, there are two different types of ignorance. One is that, most are just dumb to the subject. Dumb as in being unaware, or in another way, innocent. Similar to a baby touching an electrical outlet, without experience or proper guidance. If done by an adult, it is usually a very dumb action, but done by an infant is innocence. But then there is the other kind of dumb, the willfully ignorant kind. It is best to speak to the former, but hold your tongue with the latter, as willful ignorance when confronted by the truth, often leads to violence. For this type of individual, instructing them of their mistakes is useless, like casting your pearls to swine. In the case of those who choose to willfully lie, or, of those carried away with those lies, if they should honestly ask questions, then by all means, answer them with truth, and without prejudice or bias.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Fun with Pronouns
When did they become them, had a change in tense occurred? Or, when does a what become an it in all the confusion, are they not both unknown? And what about this, does it not at some point become that? Speaking of, just what are pronouns, is their purpose to root for the noun in question? Pronouns are, especially these days, much too difficult. Their usefulness has become confusing, as in what way can they enlighten in the context. Yes, pronouns can not only be confusing, but more often than not become a source of frustration. Personally, I much prefer a good adjective. Adjectives can be the flowers of speech in a caressing way, or, can be used in a negative declaration also. Compared to pronouns which have very little descriptive qualities, with adjectives, they add an embellishment that emphasizes the subject matter.
If used in "the flowers of speech" way, they can add softer nuances, helpful in romance, but also for more practical and mundane subjects. Of course as they can add beauty for good thoughts and happiness, so can they be used on the flip side, as the type of wordings that are meant to bring insult or harm in some way. Good adjectives for beautiful scenery and awe inspiring sights, come easily come to mind when explaining something that is pleasing. Certainly a still flat mountain lake with a perfect sky above would bring such exaltations.
But again, there is the other side. As an example, instead of simply saying that a certain ideology is ridiculous, and it's followers fools, you could go straight to an adjective that adds a little pazazz. for instance, when speaking of the sheeple of the lies, calling them stupid just doesn't seem a strong enough observation. Then, you might want to say instead, that these people or group of people, are morbidly stupid. Boom! Or, or you could choose a softer more nuanced approach and try to dull the point of the verbal barb you just hit them with. Adjectives can accomplish all of that and more, while pronouns? Hey, whatever floats your boat.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Reason of Reasons
Our God is the God of perfection. Pure, order, and not chaos, undefiled, without the slightest amount of blemish, perfect from any perspective. Knowing this, how could you not also know, that there is a profound meaning to life? Our part in it on this side of forever, is to set a goal toward perfection. The bible tells us that our God is a jealous God. He will not abide with any other gods, especially ourselves. Heaven seems like a very strange place, with four sided figures pumping to and fro, across the translucent gold floors. Angels, cherubim's, wheels with eyes, and assorted other oddities.
All of us at one time or another, has felt that gnawing at our gut, a longing in your heart. A deep longing for something that you don't understand. That emptiness is the longing to remember our God. Unclear reckonings are all we carry inside us. The trail to understanding comes first with understanding yourself. Then, after we become clear minded as to who we are, then, we can pursue the deeper meanings of God.
Strangely, what the tyrants and governments of the world want, each in their own way, is to provide nirvana, a heaven on earth being the promise. Obviously as you reflect back on history, nothing has changed. The plans of men have always been the same, each generation thinking, We can make it right. All of these plans eventually fail.
Like most of you, I have wondered if heaven existed, and if it did, what would it look like. If asked for whatever reason, where it was, I'd shrug and point up and say, There. But God's plan for His people is for them to return from where they came, to return to Himself. His plan though extremely difficult, was also delicate in its complexities. Only the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the Wisdom of all, could execute so perfectly, this delicately powerful plan to bring to a close this reality, as this, the old world, will pass away. It must, because down from the heavens, comes a new heaven and a new earth.
Incredibly, in the end, mankind gets what it had driven for throughout all of history. Heaven on earth. This new reality that comes with this new life, is a reality yet to come from this perspective, but in the reality of this new heaven, has already happened. Waiting as it were, for this current age to end. And for those who's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, eternity with the Father, our God, waits to greet all who will join the rest of the heavenly hosts, being at one with the essence of all, with the Father God of us all, and join with Him, in the infinite realm. For forever, and forever again. Amen
If hopefully your curiosity is piqued, and you would want to understand what the actual Heaven is like, take whatever time is necessary for you, to sit quietly, and slowly, read the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Human Mindedness
A reasonable response I would gladly hear. But of the words of fools, no, they make me ill. If a book title it would be, Looking for intelligent life., and it would be fair to phrase it that way. As we live out our daily lives, We encounter many problems. Some of us, have allowed these problems to become predicaments. Surely these predicaments are of our own making. It's all in the reflexes you see, when you understand things quickly, the impulse is to react quickly. But the word of God tells us to consider a matter before responding. Only fools speak before first considering what they say. When you encounter one of these, avoid them if possible, but certainly render them irrelevant. At times like these, your minds might drift like a feather on the wind. But consideration is the key to understanding, you must interpret what you hear. You must take time to interpret the matter from every angle, and cover each perspective. The urgency of the moment will dictate how fast a response is necessary. The cadence of this life comes as a pulse, it beats steadily, and unalarmed, but we quake in fear, jumping at shadows. Digression is annoying sometimes.
Consider a problem in the time afforded you, Come let us reason together the word of God tells us. In short the message is, Don't suffer fools. And as for the flip side of that coin, one like a punch in the gut. Simply and with understanding, If you know that you don't know, please don't make up a lie. For God sake, don't lie, but do shut up!
Monday, February 6, 2023
Extraterrestrials, Aliens, and other Oddities
And so the nations rose up and plotted together, What can be done with the crown jewell of the globe? America, how can we pluck that crown from her head? Wars and rumors of wars, things well meant left unsaid. How bout that newest invention we just came up with, A. I., and it's controllers. They bring yet another dream to fruition, another layer to the tower of Babel. One more layer closer. God they say, who needs God, look at how smart we've become, Are we not ourselves God?
Simple answer to that type of ego-maniac. A. I. is dead, we are alive! So the next idol to man is the cyber world. If it is successful as an awe that inspires worship, again, it's dead, its life comes from a plug. It's a giant calculator, it's for condensing vast files of information and finding it faster than any human. But again, It's Dead, we are alive! Others of our kind made these machines. Fear A I? why? It's the same as fearing the gun but not the shooter. With this new tool, it can do nothing that we don' tell it to do. In short it's not A.I. that we need worry about, its the people who control it.
Having said that, let me come straight to the point. We, the followers of Jesus Christ are Aliens. We are not of this world, we are extraterrestrials by nature,. Not to be confused by the wave of unknown aliens who have flooded the country. We are more like Science Fiction type of aliens, this is not our home. Let me explain.
When John penned the words of God when he wrote the Book of Revelation, the Spirit of Jesus pulled him into what John called, "the third heaven." What is meant by the Third Heaven? The first heaven is the atmosphere that surrounds our planet. the second, is the vastness of space. The third is the unseen realm, the one that is outside of space and time, it is the Eternal realm, the place of the great Throne room of the Living God! Another dimension, one beyond what we can see and feel, for this
the Spiritual Realm, this is the place where the Alpha and Omega dwell, this is the Lord God's address. Infinity!
You still a God denier? Still arrogantly sitting on that narrow fence? "I haven't decided yet you say? Adult up and make a choice, there is only two possibilities, it's either true or it isn't about Jesus as the way? There is no other option. Choose this day Who you going to serve?
Friday, February 3, 2023
Who's Line Is It?
The morning's waking was soon enveloped in a shroud of doom. Surely I thought, a light hearted day would cure these blues. Steer clear of the news, as the enemy within has now given into the threat from without, as a Chinese spy ballon floated one hundred thousand feet above its target. But an old personal scene from my youth appeared in my mind, and I thought to myself, surely, the balloons are up. This made me smile in my heart.
Amazingly, and without much effort, I had managed to start the day off with a smile on my face. But how I thought, could I maintain this sunny disposition? First for sure, stay away from the news as best I can, as it is always bad. I did catch a glimpse of it last night, and saw the infamous Squad meltdown which was both funny and nauseating at the same time. Each of them took a turn ignorantly screeching in the house, working themselves into a frenzy, until at last they burst into tears! This as each parroted about the injustice of it all. Ironic? sure, but these cats actually deserve an Academy award. As with everything, with these purveyors of hatred, their crocodile tears were not genuine, but scripted.
Anyway, that was then, this is now, as I set off to have a good day, and by God, I was determined to have it! First I decided to put aside the story I was writing for awhile, as it is badly in need of editing, as it had ballooned into four pages, and to borrow a metaphor from the pop music genre, I needed to cut it down to three-o-five. So, what to do what to do? I chose to watch one of the movies I had recorded, and played the movie Arthur. A comedy about a born into wealth rich guy, (Dudley Moore), and his falling in love with a commoner, Liza Minelli. The movie is wildly funny with its prat falls, and deeper oddities common to us all are funny. But what struck me very early in the movie is when Arthur sitting in the back of his chauffeur driven Limo, drunk as a skunk, laughing like a loon, says to himself, Sometimes I just think funny things. Now I have used that line many times over the years, and always thought it was original? Also, just before I turned in last night, I watched the real late night king, Johnny Carson, with both George Carlin and Richard Pryor on that same show. Three icons of comedy, together on one TV show, needless to say, it was hilarious! At one point, Johnny ask them a question about using other comics jokes and mannerisms. Both laughed and admitted to using some of their influencer's material. So with comedy, I guess its a fair question to ask, Whose line is it anyway? Perhaps a warning to all you Wokesters out there. That old bit of comedy genius is rated WP, so you won't think it's funny. There isn't a hint of politics in it.
Monday, January 16, 2023
The Sounding
Dr. Martin Luther King
The outer title of The Sounding, was a subject not only similar to this, but of the same vein. But today being the day that it is, the day we comerate this great man of God, how could I not speak of him? But as in the Sounding which was to be a metaphorical poem about the sounding of the great heavy bell of Truth ringing out across the land. And so it was with the good doctor, who was as that bell, a bell of revelation, a bell of Truth.
For this bell tolls still, it's sounding rings out reverberating from the rock canyon walls of our great mountain ranges. If the deaf refuse to hear it, it's deep resonance can be felt as it rolls beneath our feet. And as the metaphor of the sounding of this great bell represents the voice of God, so is it so for this great man of God. A man of peace. Sadly, in today's political climate, that voice would have gone unappreciated.
His message was simple, his methods peaceful. No violence, no ignorant screaming, just common sense logic, straight from the heart of God. For you younger ones who may not of heard of who this man was, he was like an American Ghandi. Dr. King's call was simple and straight forward. He challenged us as a nation to live out our creed and treat all equally. Not as a black nation, or as a white nation, but as One nation under God.
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