There is no escaping politics, sadly, not even in our churches, it permeates every aspect of our lives. It is divisive, sinister and dangerous. But of course on the other hand, it is a necessary evil as in many ways, life in this world is politics. All of us jockey for position every day, call it "the I'm right your right" syndrome. But every day, we are trying to have our point of view accepted as the correct one, it's a form of politicking. So now the latest of the political story nation and world wide.
And so it is that we are told that there is another national holiday that should be proclaimed, or at least have a day of somber remembering, that day being January 6th. To those who look to divide us, we are to see it as the day of insurrection, the day when the deplorables looked to violently overthrow the government. This is the lie now that the propagandists spew. But believe it or not God lays claim to that same day, January the 6th is His. Now, how do I make such a claim? For that answer we'll turn to our old friend the Dictionary.
Webster's New World Dictionary/ The American language The original came out around 1970, the latest reprint I could find being July 1983
Epiphany: A Christian festival revealing Jesus as the Christ to the Gentiles Who among you would write this fact off as mere coincidence? Amazing! I'm reminded of the scripture which says that what the world means for evil, He will turn it for good. (a paraphrase, my apologies to you purists) So there are two ways you can remember that day, one is the ridiculous way of the propagandists, who are evil by nature, or as the day that we consider the reality of God and thank Him for being our King, and the foundation of this Republic.