Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Thursday, December 1, 2022
The days of wine and roses, those days when all seemed fine. We, all of us miss those days, no matter your stripe, no matter who you are. What we all want most is happiness and contentment. It is what we've all really been looking for, no matter your age. In a word, Peace
World peace? Maybe don't shoot so high, because world peace is not in the cards. Besides, what can we do for world peace, it is beyond us. But us, we, our individual selves, this we can control. Outer space is beyond our capabilities, but our inner space, ourselves alone, that we can control. Inner peace is better than outer peace. Do you know why? Because you can't control the world, but you can control how you react to it.
And what about death? You know, how and when will it happen, And of course, then what? An eternal dirt nap, or a life beyond the constraints of this one, the one where there is no time, a world of eternity. A time when it won't make sense anymore to say, Youth is wasted on the young. Because in youth comes a young and strong healthy body, so generally speaking, who doesn't want to be healthy. But wisdom comes with age, there is no replacement for experience.
Death will come to us all, and when looked back upon, we will rejoice in the fact that now we have both, a perfect body, and wisdom for a drink whenever we want, The water of life in big gallon jugs! One of the saddest tales about the American way of life, is that we worship youth, and pay little mind to the Wisdom of years.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Friday, September 23, 2022
Made in His Image
We are one people, all descendants to the beginning and the first. Tied as it were, to a common base. In the world there are separations, all I might ad, of our own making. But here there are none. Where is here? I speak of the here and now. Because what now is, has been before. Solomon tells us that there is nothing new under the sun, and he's right. As a point of reference, consider wherever you are as you first read this, and to whoever is reading it, for you, your current time is now. But now seems all wrong, surely a change is in order. New and improved may sometimes be one, but not true of both. You're sitting with a salesman, and he says, This is a one time offer, things of that ilk. How ever you interpret what is happening outside your bubbles, however you read whatever is functioning, it has happened before to civilizations we now call ancient.
Vanity, all is vanity. There IS nothing new under the sun.
Been shopping brain enhancement pills lately, been looking for truth and wisdom, an escape from the maddening throngs? Might I insert a suggestion in your life? I have no pills to hawk, but there is a place for such things. Find yourself a bible, open it to the book of Ecclesiastes, and read it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
If you really want Honest elections
Neither side is satisfied in their government representatives. Left and right, we have all been promised what most politicians never deliver. Once they have reached the office that they campaigned for, promises made are usually quickly forgotten. Tired of that? You should be. Common sense tells us that politics was never planned to be a career, but as a short service to the nation. The truth may sound cruel, but we as a nation have reached the point where an election can be bought. Solution? The most obvious is we the people insist on Term Limits. In this time when million plus people are a dime a dozen bunch, it is the billionaires only, who are looked upon as rich. As of this moment in time, we haven't had our first trillion dollar baby yet. In that way, the Trillion dollar mark is sacrosanct. And yet, we now talk openly about spending trillions of dollars on one pork laden bill after another. New laws made up of thousands of pages are passed without knowing what they say as it is a long boring read. We are told by fools, that we should first pass the bill, and then try to understand it latter.
We are already well over 30 trillion dollars in debt, and yet the once relatively sane Democratic party has gone from the old days of tax and spend, to where bills nearing the trillion dollar cost are now routinely passed. Each one adding to our spiraling costs for running this huge monster, that the federal government has become. If they keep just printing more paper money, eventually, we'll all have some really fancy wall paper in our bathrooms. Don't look for it, because common sense has long since left the building. The solution?
Rather than lay out the whole plan, let's just cut to the chase.' and get to the more concise solution. A highly controlled list of presidential wanna-be candidates gets whittled down within a two year procedure until finally, two or three qualified candidates emerge. It is generally agreed that to win the presidency will cost about a billion dollars. That kind of cash usually come from special interests groups or so called, Political foundations, usually tax free. That kind of money just breeds corruption. With this new plan, each final candidate will get 100 million dollars each for their campaigns, courtesy of, We the people, the tax payers. Any candidate who spends one nickel more, is reason for immediate dismissal from the field. Reaction? Instead of a ton of silly nemes, posters, and blatant lies, to get the most bang for the buck, surely the candidates will use openly televised debates. Final reaction? The new president will work for the people in general, rather than for the privileged few.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Rethink This
The paradox is that this fascination for the so called A. I. machines, is misplaced at best. So much hope and curiosity about this is most probably world wide. Can a machine be smarter than men? in a word, NO. The idea that a machine designed by a team of designers, assemblers, and so on, could ever be smarter than the people who designed it, is not logical in any sense. Now, think to yourself whether you think you are as smart or smarter than these machines. Don't sell yourself short, remember it's a machine against life. C'mon, that isn't even worth your consideration.
In fact all you tech worshipers, think for a minute, A. I. is proof positive that intelligent design is undeniable. Whatever emerges as the next super computer, or whatever, could never have existed, if not for the minds of living breathing human beings.
The point? Imagine if you can, the odds against this machine, in essence, coming together on it's own, given enough time. All the diodes wires and do dads necessary for the complete machine are laying in a pile. Do you believe that given a trillion years that it would assemble itself?
Remember now, we have been talking about machines. Now, compare that to life. If you are still holding onto the primordial soup theory, You might just wanna rethink that.
Monday, August 8, 2022
One smart Rant
Slings and arrows, or rifles and bayonets, They are one of the same. Man's brutality to his fellow man, A true concept which began at the beginning of all mankind. War and rumors of war, blight famine and disease. They plague us each day on the evening news. Think you are above it all, and it won't affect you? May God help us all, but it has become our reality. The 20th century had its fill of the like, it was a raucous century on many fronts. But compared to what we've seen of the 21st, it was a mild time of relative peace. Good always won out over evil, but now.. It even started off bad, for those old enough to remember Y2K.
From that shaky beginning, the whole world quakes with fear today. Wars are no longer a possibility, Russia China and Iran have formed the next unholy alliance. Worse than that, is that there are many here among us who fail to understand the danger. Rifles and bayonets? You'd better hope for a ground war, because our fool politicians are walking into what may well become, a nuclear war!
Call me old fashioned, but I'd settle for a good old fashioned tank war..
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Hey man, What time is it?
I've been on one side and the other, I've been up, and I've been down. And, I have floated on the waves of time, says the Lord God Almighty! I am all about you, can you still not feel my presence? You understand that time comes a tck at a time, but did you know that from where I am, there are oceans of time? These oceans crash in a world without time, this world is mine, and for you, it can be, in the land to come. The world without end, that, is the world from where He speaks. As for myself, I have become as two men, and sometimes, I loose sight of the fact of which land I'm in, this one, or His.
For those of you who persist in not believing, what if I were to tell you that you can mind meld with Him? would that entice you?
Eternity is your's for the asking, I would not say it if it were not so.
Friday, July 15, 2022
The Siren's Sing
And so I said to the Lord, Thank you for leading me to understanding, for I was as a petulant child. I had hurriedly mounted my steed, and went off sword raised to the sun, I was off to challenge what I did not understand, but now I do. Praise you Jesus! For as I've been told so often, that,You never move, and so you don't. But rather it was I who moved from you. I allowed Doubt and worry, those two twin sisters of hell, to cause me to lose focus. But still, to blame them alone and not myself also, would be a lie, for Lord knows I have a wandering eye. Focus is so easily lost, if it isn't one thing, it's another.
We are a stubborn and stiff necked people, and we flaunt our very best jewelry. For we are a proud lot, so proud of ourselves that we are easily distracted. While we primp ourselves in the mirror, with no thought for the One. Money, and the love of money, is what feeds the self gratification these so desire. But self is a tyrant, it, is never pleased.
Necessary? perhaps, but Money, with all of her charms, are the sirens who call to us from the rocks of a rocky island, with the storm's waves crashing all around. They are beautiful to behold, and their sweet sounding voices are most pleasant to the ear. It is a strong calling for they are desirous, but if clearly heard, they sing of destruction. But still they cry out all the louder. They cry out to passers-by, Come with us they say, come and take what is yours. Funny what they say, for they are right to a point, but so wrong overall.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
And the Answer Is,
Not sure why I'm writing this, it might be because I realized that I hadn't written anything for the entire month of June. But as long as I'm here, I might as well make an attempt to prove that even though I'm officially old, I'm up to date with the latest headlines, and well aware of the relevant issues of the day. Recently, the L.A. Times, (aka, the little sister of the N. Y. Times), printed an article having to do with late night TV's nightly group of so called comedians. Missing of course, is any mention of the show that dwarfs all others. When it comes from true viewership of the 11 PM to 1 AM time slot nation wide. The television audience for the Gutfeld show have not seen these types of ratings since the days of The Tonight Show and the master, Johnny Carson. We miss relaxing after a hard day, we miss you Johnny!
I won't claim to have read the article, but apparently the article made an attempt to shed a little light with each of the four or five men whom the writer deemed important, and to rate them in a way of popularity. I'll stick my neck out and assume that Steven Colbert would be the leader of these late night parrots. Since Trump left office, they are all lost as to any humorous subject matter. Colbert dancing as a hypodermic needle to help pitch the Covid panic so needed as a fear factor for the left, is probably as good as these hacks get.This little skit was probably the highlight bit of these late night losers. So in lock step of the prescribed allowable humor are these men, that without the picture, you couldn't tell one from the other. Comedy is supposed to be cutting edge, but for these clowns its always the same lack of anything truly funny. So calculated and redundant, that most just mail it in now, as for them, it is no longer comedy, but straight propaganda.
The reasoning of course is because Gutfeld airs nightly at 11 Eastern on the much feared Fox news. Yes, the same Fox news that liberals are threatened with expulsion from the club if they dare to watch it. The sad fact for the dancing bears on the other channels is that because they can no longer do what they are over paid to do. That to bringing eyeballs to the show so the sponsors can hawk their wares. But while they are pushing the same tired observations night after night, most of, including all of their viewers with IQs higher than the common slug, have put on their big boy and big girl pants, and now watch the late night show that trounces all others in ratings, but more importantly, in entertainment value. But because Greg uses the knife of truth, his show remembers what the others have so sadly forgotten. That comedy is only funny when there is an element of truth to the jokes, and that humor, especially the late night fare is intended for adults. It is supposed to be edgy, and by poking fun at the establishment, and in so doing, sometimes exposing their hypocrisy. This is their job as comedians.
Seeing as my platform is a small one, tell a friend, share the news. Looking for some late night yucks, tired of all the propaganda being force fed as comedy by the mindless horde? Follow the ever widening crowd of fully awake Americans and be entertained by Greg and his crew of insightful panelists. And while on that channel, you might want to try catching up to the reality outside, and watch the news.
Monday, May 30, 2022
The horror that occurred recently at a Texas elementary school was pure evil. The Devil who is evil, hates when his real self is scene so obviously. He is usually quite the pretty boy, and can take any shape or body. It was once said in heaven that Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels, and so get the red pajamas and the pitchfork right out of your mind. Being spirit, you cannot see him of course, only the aftermath of the horror he orchestrated. The scene looked as would he, if he could be seen as that once pretty angel looks now. Now. he would look as someone ugly, nasty, and only wanting death. Of course, admitting to yourself that ultimate good exists, so does the flip side of the coin. Ultimate evil, is something that makes us uncomfortable, something we'd rather ignore. So we ignore the spiritual implications, and go straight to our religion, politics.
But still the question persists, and people will ask, How can God allow this, and why didn't he stop it? God being outside of time, sees things from an eternal perspective, we, of course, are limited to the here and now. God knows what was, what is, and what will be. Does His heart break for those families? Of course. But the ground work was already in place, the demon who took control of the murderer had left tell tale signs of a twisted mind, whose calls for help were not heeded. Reality was far from him, and watching the carnage unfold in reality was for him, much like the shoot em up video games he so loved. Insane? of course, all cold blooded murder is. And yet, we as a country are trying to decide at what point can we kill the lives of even younger children than those in Texas. God gave us over to our self absorbed and debased minds. In reality, until the day God takes it back, the devil is the king of this world, it is his.
Free will, remember? It was by our will that we sat quietly while they removed school prayer from our schools back in the sixties. It will be that same apathetic non caring attitude, that will allow them to eliminate the pledge of allegiance to our nation from our schools next. We sat in silence during last summer's riots as they torn down the statues of our history, we even sat idly by as a granite monument of God's ten commandments was ripped from it's moorings! Think God might be a little offended at that? Our money says, In God We Trust. What happened?
And now evil focusses on its real desire, our children. They plan to divide them by race, and turn them all into sexual perverts. And We have the nerve to ask why God allows tragedy? Strangely, thats the same question He asks you..
Monday, May 23, 2022
Too much Monkey Business
Never let an epidemic go to waste, and if you can't find one, make one up. Did you know that fear sells more than does sex? Well, maybe more neck and neck.. But this occurred just hours ago. I took a trip to the thrift store, right around the block from me. I was hoping to find a used electric typewriter. My paranoia is my own. The store was mostly empty except for some kid I saw lurking around, and two old women. They were both masked, I of course, I wasn't, because I thought the mandates were over? It was obvious that I made both women nervous, the sales girl more than the customer. Nice, typical grandma looking, but nasty. Apparently, someone somewhere had scared these otherwise fine old ladies into becoming rude and just plain fragile victims, who had just recently drank from the new Kool Aid.
Monkey pox flu, the next panic to spread at long last. That is of course, how you'd see it, if you were them. After all, they had gotten about as much out Covid as is possible. A new disease is just what the doctor ordered. Public notification: Monkey pox, is NOT contagious, period. Oh they'll try selling it, they push and they'll spin, and try, once more, to make something out of nothing. Me thinks we Americans are sick of your tricks. But be ready for it, ignore it as best you can, but don't let your anger get the best of you. Remember, they are like children, wisdom is foreign to them, Entertain me they cry, where is the toy in the box?
Monday, May 2, 2022
None the Less
What is life, or better yet, why is life? What does it all mean? What happens when we die, do we simply return to the earth from which we came? Is there life after death? How can that be? How could I not have not been born, how would it have affected my family if I had never lived, what, if anything would have changed? How many of you know that the odds against you ever knowing the answer of such type questions are astronomical. These are but a few of the deeper questions of life, there are no questions in death. These deeper thoughts and questions come to us all in one form or another, and at some point in our lives. What is the answer to understanding, is it not knowledge?
What do you think you'll do after you die? Ask yourself, What is it that leaves your body at the moment of your passing? What leaves to change the living into a lump of dead meat? Is the extent of the human condition only to understand the short time of the sum total of our years while we live on this earth? Is that your limitation? If you have ever watched a living thing die while watching the eyes, you will see the spark of life fade in their eyes until they become lifeless and dull. What is that spark, and where does it go when the body dies?
What you see as that twinkle that turns dark, is the Spirit of Life leaving, that is what you lose at your passing. But what becomes of that sparkle, does it live forever, or does it too become as dead as stone? The answer of course is that both life and death are eternal. What if you have a choice, would you choose to go on with that spark of life, to live love and learn forever, or would you choose to be plant food? Or, does your hope ly in the hope that you will return as another life form, like returning as a beautiful swan. What if you come back as lice feeding on rotted corpses? You know there is no guarantee of the swan or flower gardens? So, say that the choice is yours to make, which would you choose? Surely given that clear a choice, most if not all would choose life eternal, rather than just returning to dirt.
No matter what you've been taught, and as much as you may not like exclusiveness, there is only one way to guarantee eternal life with the Creator of all, and that is by becoming a follower of the son God sent as the way to himself, Jesus Christ. Jesus himself stands at the door of your heart and knocks. The last question is, Will you answer the door? Scripture tells us that more won't than will, but the remnant grows none the less.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Passed Over
I already had this one titled, Easter in Paraphrase, when the mean streak passed over me, and this will be whatever it will be? One thing is certain, it is meant to be to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today being Saturday, is the middle day, the day between his betrayal and death, culminating tomorrow, Easter Sunday, the day when he rises back to life, defeats death, not just for himself, but by defeating death, he holds the key to eternal life, and from that moment on, having endured all sin, all, meaning up to and including that point, all the way to this our time, for all time and forever more, He Jesus, is the Way to the Father, a way for perfection to abide with imperfection. The preparation for this three day event began officially when Jesus entered Jerusalem seated on the foal of a donkey, while people were lying their cloths and palm branches on the dirt road to the city's gate, to make clear the way for who even the rocks would have joined in hailing Him as King, Lord and Savior, the long awaited Messiah. A week later of course, these same revelers would choose Jesus to die rather than a renowned murderer .
So what's this really all about?, please make it as short and to the point as possible. So here is a synopsis, a blog length appeal to reach as many of you who will give ear. God is real! God is pure, perfect and incapable of error. Pure and perfect, meaning, not ninety nine and nine tenths perfect, but 100% perfect. To better understand the meaning and the necessity of the God/man Jesus, imagine God the Father as this perfectly clear beacon of the freshest, purest, coolest, and the best for you water that there is. If we, a people beaten up and ravished by life and all our bad decisions, our stubborn selfishness, who have never done anything as extreme as being a rapist or a killer, and so see ourselves as good enough? How else could we appear in this scenario next to this crystal beacon of purity if not as sloppy jars of ink. One tiny drip from an eye dropper of us into this liquid perfection would foul it. If ever there was a time for us to acknowledge and cry out to the eternal living God, it is at this time. What is needed then is a way, a bridge of sorts, something that would make it possible for the created to be with their creator. Our country and the whole world for a myriad of reasons, seems broken beyond repair. Something or someone much bigger than us needs to clean up this mess and return sanity while we still have enough breath to change things. We need a way to be forever in the safety of the God who loves us. Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Instead of another Easter egg hunt of more chocolate bunnies, how about we choose this year to acknowledge the reason for the holiday. We choose to honor the one who endured incredible abuse and pain, for us. You probably have never raped or killed anyone, and you probably think of yourself as a good person. But no matter how good you think about yourself, would any of you dare say that you are perfect? No, not one, for all fall short of perfection. Hopefully you believe in God, the source of truth and a power much greater than yourself. Make this year the year when you humble yourself before him and thank Him for making life eternal available to you. Happy Easter
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Putting it Simply
Life and death, two absolutes wouldn't you agree? Today you must ask yourself, Is something true, or is it propaganda? What more has to happen? what will it take till you see the obvious, and you accept the reality, that a large majority of what you think is news is propaganda. So here is a helpful hint, When you hear a new story, and no matter your initial reaction, if you don't yet know if it's true or not, make no decisions about the matter, the person, or whatever the situation is, don't accept it as true, before you can verify it from reliable sources, better yet, from multiple sources. Putting it simply for all of us, it should be, In God we trust, all others cash only.
Our faith in people or organizations could be stolen away from us, things can change on a dime. It is during these times of confusion and doubt, during times such as these that we look for safe harbors from the storms of life. Look outside your bubble, you don't have to be a history student to know that there has never been a time such as this. Like Shrek's onions, our troubles are like onions, they have many layers. You have barely made peace with the last and cast off that layer of skin, and boom, here comes the next one. Still tired from the last layer, that this next one seems unsolvable? At this point you can choose to grin and bare it, or continue the struggle tomorrow after a night's rest.
Again, the reason you don't understand these times is because what is being fought world wide, the most visual by Ukraine, is a Spiritual War. Besides the horror of death in the street, the real target for death by any and all means, is Truth. We must humble ourselves before God united as one people. The best way to do that is for the President and his staff together, to go on national TV and ask God to forgive us for forgetting about Him for so long, and then, would He please intercede to keep us safe and sovereign.
As everyday citizens, we would refuse to spend our money on any business who's human rights record is abhorrent, like Muslim countries killing gays, or China's child slaves making sneakers, or to media or social platforms that choose to sensor what is true. In short, don't fund what is evil. America, it's time we take our country back!
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Titanic on the Horizon
The warring in the Ukraine is a different type of war than has ever been fought. Our prayers should rise up not only for the Ukraine, but also for the Russian people. Because this is Not a war between two peoples, this is a war started and continued by one man, Vlad Putin. This is a war without a catalyst. In other words there was no Twin Towers, or the surprise air attack on the United States navy moored at Hawaii. As I look back on the majority of wars throughout history, I find no wars that started without a provocation of some kind, except for this one. There was no groundswell of indignant feelings from the Russian people, who suddenly had a yearning to acquire more real estate. This is not the war of the Russian people, this is Putin's war. One of, if not, the biggest reason that the Russian progress has been slow is because the Russian soldiers have little reason or desire to be fighting at all. Think of it, most probably, many are draftees, who'd much rather be anywhere else than where they find themselves. Many think, why fight and die, I have no hatred of the Ukrainian people, I'd much rather be home. Why should I risk my neck to fulfill the dreams of a madman?
Here at home we are forced only to suffer fools, and sit idly by as our nation is being humiliated in front of the entire world. We have become like a great ship filled with compassion and hope being run by a crew of idiots. A group so detached from reality, that as we are headed straight for a huge iceberg dead ahead on the horizon, that the Captain, quick to react with what he thinks is valor, yells, Damn the iceberg, full speed ahead! And as he speaks these words of defiance, the bridge officers jump, yell, and clap their approval.
As a citizen of this country, my biggest disappointment are of the everyday rank and file Democrats who remain obedient and are afraid to even change the channel once in a while to at least hear the other side. What is it they fear, an honest conversation as to who we want to be as a nation.? What happened to the party who through President Kennedy once stood toe to toe with the Russians, the stakes being a nuclear war. Now today's Democrats must find that spirit and breath life into it again. You Democrats are so obedient. On the other side, you tell us not to dare and get your news from whatever outlet, the first thing we'd do is tune to those channels. Any of us could watch CNN or MSNBC for a week, and we'd still know the truth. Be an American first, because America with the mistakes we've made as a country is still the greatest nation in world history, and we can and must be again. There is nothing that would make loosing our freedom worth it. We the people are the top managers of this Republic. We must stop this silly quarreling over trivial matters, we must come together as one nation again, if not for ourselves then for our children's children. If we don't, and soon, we may well be part of the last free nations.
Monday, February 28, 2022
The Cost of Freedom
Just hours ago, a madman threatened to use the "nuclear option" In other words he threatens the world with annihilation. What does he want, what did Hitler want. What did all the tyrants throughout history want? He wants what they all wanted, and as many have already said, if my goals were as self centered as his, now, that the US has become a disgrace, nows the time, while the cover of a world turned upside down, have most otherwise involved, nows the time to start to grow his empire. Putin and his not so willing army, did invade the Ukraine. But he grossly miscalculated, as do the pronoun clowns here, they don't understand the true raw power of Freedom. Through all of civilization's history, people have fought bled and dyed to remain free. It is inherent in all human beings, it's part of our DNA, we would sacrifice even our very lives to remain free. Once a slave is freed, he never wants to return. The soil in many nations has been bled red by the blood of young Americans who fought not to protect their own country, but Freedom knows no nationalities, Freedom is cherished by all.
And so the best example of Freedoms power is shown by this modern day David and Goliath. The smaller country of the Ukraine defending against Russia. Such an example of what a free people will do. President Zelenskyy is now the President of the free world. No matter the outcome, and of course every freedom loving human being is praying for you, you have shown the world that if you aren't free, life isn't worth living. Back in the day we Americans would say things like, Give me Liberty, or give me death. The point of all this is to alert those who get to read it, is to tell you that the world's upside down, and we are in dire straights. I do not believe we have the luxury to politely wait for three years to kick these clowns out of all government, we may not have three years. What if the madman pushes the button? No., we need real leadership, and we need it now! Impeach them, prosecute them, or someone issue a recall proposition so we can get these inept fools out of the way, before we all go up in smoke!
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
As a man of God, and because I can do all things through Him who strengthens me, I am free to speculate in the realm of fiction, to try and answer the unanswerable. We now know where and how we got here, but what about our blessed Lord?
Watching what was written thousands of years ago, play out almost verbatim in this, our time. Do you at least realize that you are in the crosshair's of history? You are standing in the middle of an intersection, you stand at the crossroad of history. The fact that it was the Democrats who got snookered and helped bring this threat on us is irrelevant, it could very well have been the Republicans. So who is it you say, who stabs at us with daggers and is trying to kill us?
You don't know because this is a spiritual war, fresh off the pages of the bible. This country was founded by a very devote people, a group of Puritan Christians settled this land. A bunch of Puritan devotees, and yes most were Lilly white? But they brought with them something else, they brought with them the Holy Spirit. They brought with them a burning desire to be free, and to try a way of government never tried before, a government that served the people, a government unlike the one from which they fled where they lived only to serve the elite rich and the government they controlled. In this new government they proposed, held the voice of the people to be the highest authority, for these people answered to no one except God. It is with His teaching, that our most precious documents including the Constitution itself were crafted using the words of God.
Return to your foundation, for in it you will find salvation. These things must happen. Choose this day who you will serve, God the Father, or mammon.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
There is no escaping politics, sadly, not even in our churches, it permeates every aspect of our lives. It is divisive, sinister and dangerous. But of course on the other hand, it is a necessary evil as in many ways, life in this world is politics. All of us jockey for position every day, call it "the I'm right your right" syndrome. But every day, we are trying to have our point of view accepted as the correct one, it's a form of politicking. So now the latest of the political story nation and world wide.
And so it is that we are told that there is another national holiday that should be proclaimed, or at least have a day of somber remembering, that day being January 6th. To those who look to divide us, we are to see it as the day of insurrection, the day when the deplorables looked to violently overthrow the government. This is the lie now that the propagandists spew. But believe it or not God lays claim to that same day, January the 6th is His. Now, how do I make such a claim? For that answer we'll turn to our old friend the Dictionary.
Webster's New World Dictionary/ The American language The original came out around 1970, the latest reprint I could find being July 1983
Epiphany: A Christian festival revealing Jesus as the Christ to the Gentiles Who among you would write this fact off as mere coincidence? Amazing! I'm reminded of the scripture which says that what the world means for evil, He will turn it for good. (a paraphrase, my apologies to you purists) So there are two ways you can remember that day, one is the ridiculous way of the propagandists, who are evil by nature, or as the day that we consider the reality of God and thank Him for being our King, and the foundation of this Republic.
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