Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

   WE have a special reason to give thanks and to celebrate the greatness of our country. All in about a week, two important trials ended today, and reinforced that we are indeed a just nation. Today America kicked the dirt from her shoes, and peeled the filth of the critical race theory off her shoe's sole. Justice in this country is alive and well, thank you very much. Young Mr. Rittenhouse was found innocent completely approximately a week ago, and just today, a racist father and his two boys were found guilty of the murder of a young black man. 

  Rejoice America, and give thanks that all the vile lies about this country and her people have been laid naked and ashamed. We may argue, and we may get mad at a situation, but if not to ourselves, to most all of the world, we still are that shining city on the hill. Give thanks because we are still free, and even though certain elites may scoff at your patriotism, pay them no mind for they are the fools and the mindless followers. The two pronged attack of this current spiritual war will pass, hopefully we will learn a great lesson from this our time in history. All of us are a living part of the history we make, and you are seeing it in real time. These current problem/problems will pass, so in the short run we are still fine. Long term? Now thats a different matter all together. This unseen war, one of microscopic size, and this threatening socialist/communist takeover attempt are both invisible to the naked eye. One a germ seen only via high powered microscopes, and the other a failed ideology. Both are invisible, and both are very much part of this spiritual war that is at the heart of all this trouble. 

  Because it is of spiritual nature, it must be spiritually fought. This country has long ago, a subtle bit by bit, grown further from the rock of our foundation grown further from the God we were founded on. Our current problems will pass, but as for our long time prognosis, not so good. Globalism is the goal, socialism is the type of government intended to make all nations one, and to have everyone sing about buying each other a coke. But that is only a dream for a false heaven on earth. There is only one Heaven, and it is not on the earth. As for America, we choose to keep our sovereignty thank you, we choose freedom over tyranny. 

  Long range, we know from the book of truth, the bible, that more will choose the easy road, the wide one. The goal, and hopefully the prayer around every families table is to return to our founding documents, but mostly, to return to the rock of our foundations, and the only King we Americans will bend a knee to, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Happy Thanksgiving