Words, is there anything more long lasting and powerful than words. At the heart of this on going bloodless coup are words, language and its use. Also, how words are used and who decides what can and cannot be spoken. People such as these are enemies of the state. The perpetrators logic being, If we can stop certain types of speech, eventually their meaning and importance will soon be forgotten, and replaced with thoughts and words more acceptable to their selfish ideology.
Strangely, albeit for noble enough reasons, it was the women's movement who first berthed an acceptable change to the American lexicon. Less than three generations ago, when properly addressing a letter or formal document, the prefixes of Mr. or Mrs. were used for adult men and women. Master and Miss for unmarried boy and girl children. The problem was that Mr. meant adult male, married or single, where as Mrs. designated a married female, and Miss an unmarried girl. Having four daughters, I understand them not wanting to advertise their personal life and marital status via a prefix. Hence the new designation and prefix Mz. From this minor change, however logical and fair, people realized that words and their use could bring about change. Dictators like Karl Marx saw it more as the early steps necessary to usher in political change. This of course was picked up as a weapon and the advent of Politically Correct speech was born.
But PC speak barely moved the dial of public opinion, and the free among us understood quickly about the inherit danger in such control and quickly exposed it as the joke that it was. Now, only fools and the sheep type people who would rather be led, follow after that stupidity. Clearly, something else more powerful was necessary. Fear is a powerful motivator, and as if a gift from their god was given them, cue the corona/covid debacle. The seemingly humble beginnings of PC speak morphed into the Woke movement, which begot the Cancel culture and where we are today. Thankfully, people in professional sport, singers, writers, and people in all forms of the entertainment industry are speaking up against this very vocal minority who hate this country and the freedom it offers to all its citizens. Out of shear arrogance these kooks actually believe themselves to be the smartest among us all. They're not of course, because who else but fools and buffoons are scared to death of freedom and truth. How do we true Americans who love this country and appreciate all that she has given us get rid of these haters? It's way past time to wake up the woke crowd? In the up coming elections vote to truly wake the woke, and cancel the cancelers.
And of course to bring about a lasting change for the better means returning to our historical roots. This country was founded by people seeking a new beginning, a place where they could worship God in safety, and free themselves from a personally intrusive government. We the people means just that, We will decide what is best for ourselves and for the country we love. Again, God waits for this country to take up His free offer. All we need do is acknowledge Him and pray to Him, and He will heal this land. Indeed, the whole world.