Ah music, Lately I have been seeing a lot of scenes with lonely stretches of highway, railroad tracks and the like. Not in the way of a vision, but rather by natural means, as on my PC, TV and the like. I noticed them of course, and took note to the rapidity of such scenes. But I view them more as road signs on the highway of life. I knew they were there for direction, a way to go for peace. A way to go, a way to escape the tedium. I look back on my life in a metaphorical perspective, I have always envisioned my life as a constant move down a river, sometimes in a boat, sometimes holding onto a log, sometimes just treading water. All I've ever done is left behind in my wake. But be it a highway, a railroad track, or a river, we all head downstream with the current, what's behind and in our wake we leave behind, but what's ahead very few know, but move we must, ever on to the end that it is. It is that way on the river of life. And now a change of mood.
I actually linked my PC, Phone and TV all together on Youtube. I know, to most of you you say, So? But for this 20th century man, thats like winning an emmy. As Joe Friday once said,
The facts mam, nothing but the facts." The ancient Highway connection comes from an old Van Morrison song, which as explained, this is one step further, into whats hi-tech to me, and is a reason to be happy. Oh, and a shout out to my friend Walt who was teaching me how the sound board works. I tell you, If I don't quit soon I'll be a 21st century man? nah, Too many rules..
see TV show called Dragnet