Wouldn't it be just like the Lord to say to himself, If that's what they want I'll give it to them in one quick solid dose. Perhaps that's what happened, or why. But whatever the reasoning, in what seemed to me as fast as a snapped finger, what was once left is now right, what was up is now down, what once was good is fast becoming bad, and as for wrong, the law? spin the wheel it's anybody's guess. What was once good and honorable, becomes some how, now, to be wrong. Everything is backwards, flung up in the air and landing upside down.
So, living in an upside down world, how do you adjust to such things? Even prison can come to be accepted as home if you let it. As for myself, I find It funny. I mean it's so stupid! Anyway, otherwise if I didn't laugh at it, it's so sad I'd probably cry? nah.. It's true though, if you can't laugh you'll loose your mind. Life is hard, and we need comic relief. A humorless life is a dull life, but going along to get along is not the answer. It can be confusing in an upside down world, but before you go marching off in the wrong direction, there is something you should know. Changes this drastic and done so quickly is beyond the plotting of mere men, this war we fight is not physical, and we can thank God for that. It has at times spilled out and our cities lit on fire, but so far we have not considered a replay of the Civil War. Did you know that more American soldiers died in that war than in all the other's combined? It's true.
I knew there was more to this, because I had There's something you're forgetting on my mind until I turned back from the printer to finish the letter. But the one thing more you might consider is by far the most important. Because this is a spiritual war, it must be fought spiritually. We are all caught up in it. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, the truth must be served. If we are to survive, we as one nation under God must return to our roots. I'm not gonna get preachy on you except to quote a line from an old song. You're gonna have to serve somebody.