The Malcontents
Was it a simple twist of fate, or just blind luck? But you were born in this country. Had you had the choice, what country would you have rather have been born into? Most of us have lived here for generations, and we all love this country. But suddenly, it is not fashionable, or lately, dangerous, even to death. A wise old black man from Wisconsin was executed at his home. Why? because he supported Trump. Of course with the majority of the media, you'll not see this story. We the people are being duped. A quick personal story. I was in a friends house a few years ago, and though we tried not to get into politics, it raised it's ugly head just briefly. But that short moment spoke volumes, as I had wondered for years how citizen Americans could be so dumb? In the brief encounter I mentioned Benghazi, and he knew absolutely nothing about it except to say that it was a Fox theory? I told him of the videos and realized, it wasn't because my friend was dumb, it was just that he wasn't told.
America is like no other country in the world, as our citizens did not come to be by country or geographic boundaries, (aka born in Spain, Spanish; England, English and so on), but all of our residents came from somewhere else, and the rest of the world watched in awe as this country immigrants from many different lands and cultures came together as one nation. E Pluribus Unum, Out of many, one. At it's conception, way back in 1776, it was and still is a social experiment on the grandest scale. We are less than 250 years old, and as such, just a babe in the league of nations.
But young or not, America is exceptional! You know how I know that? Today, still, more people want to come to this country than any other. And in case you haven't noticed, once here, even the newest of us have no desire to leave and live anywhere else. We must be doing something right. Think about it, even the most arrogant of new comers, those who refuse to assimilate, may well hate this country, but you don't hear of even these malcontents have no desire to leave. Even those malcontents would not choose to live anywhere but here.
I don't know about you, but it makes me think that we are still doing it right, and another, in that, If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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