Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Tested Truths: The Family of God (part two)
Tested Truths: The Family of God (part two): Regarding history: Keep in mind that the United States is but a babe among nations. Some existing countries and past civilizations go bac...
The Family of God (part two)
Regarding history: Keep in mind that the United States is but a babe among nations. Some existing countries and past civilizations go back thousands of years. Us? We are approximately 250 years old. Sure we have had serious problems and we have made mistakes. But considering our youth, we have worked out those problems in short order. Americans are good people as a whole, benevolent I guess is the word? Slavery has existed for thousands of years and it still exists today. We brought it with us when we settled the land. A civil war was fought to right that wrong. Eight hundred thousand men died fighting it, the equivalent of 8 million today! Take the time to do a little research, and you'll find that throughout our history, the government addressed the racism and hatred that followed after the Civil war was won. The KKK was labeled a terrorist group and were hunted down by the army. Even the non violent forms of racism which existed throughout different areas of the country were also addressed and the necessary changes were made. The Jim Crowe laws that were enacted in the South were also defeated and justice for all restored. If you are unsure of what the Jim Crowe laws were all about, it was a way to legalize discrimination, in that they called out the phrase "separate but equal", which was anything but. To give you an example, there were black only and white only hotels. Separate drinking fountains and bathrooms. These laws were meant to make sure of a two class system. Once again, these terribly unfair and insulting laws were eventually abolished. But still, even after these obvious affronts to civil liberties were made illegal and abolished, the struggle continued throughout the twentieth century. I don't want to get into the politics of the ongoing civil rights struggles over the years, except to say what will probably surprise you. From the time of the Civil War, the KKK, through the Jim Crowe years, and such things as desegregating our schools via bussing. Governors standing in and blocking the doorways to keep black students from entering were all spearheaded by Democrats, not Republicans. Even as recently as today, generally you'll find that it is Democrats who are against school choice and the voucher systems that would make school choice a right for all.
For me, and many other Americans, Dr. Martin Luther King was and remains the most influential of all black leaders. His "I have a dream" speech made this man of God, one of the most important statesman in our history. You can think me naive, but as I look at 21st century America, most if not all that he dreamed for our country has come to be. Barack Obama was elected to two terms as president, blacks head many of the big companies. Black sitcoms and television shows are all over TV. No matter the walk of life, black men and women are present in the highest places and through all manner of business sports and politics. One of the biggest fears of both whites and black parents was that their child would marry outside of his or her race. Not only are mixed race couples accepted today, but these unions have made some of the best looking children in society. Is there still some problems? Of course, but nothing near what we Americans have been through in our brief history. In short, America is not a racist nation, we are a loving people and a fair people. Are there still some deviants who are racist and still hate? Sure, but now though true racism barely exists, there are those who for political reasons and selfish gain are working very hard to have you forget the tremendous gains we have made and tell you that racism is still a huge problem? These hate filled fools are even suggesting separate but equal, (Jin Crowe) again. Don't give into these lies, because whether you are white or black, we are all Americans, and this young nation is still the gold standard and America is admired by all. Those who hate us look to divide us because they wish to see us defeated. Something that can never happen if we stay united toward the goals that will improve all of our lives. United we stand, One nation under God, divided we fall, and the cost of that fall? Our freedom.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Tested Truths: The Family of God (part one)
Tested Truths: The Family of God (part one): We, the world, are all family. The bible tells us as does our Constitution, that we are equal as one people, one race, the human race. An...
The Family of God (part one)
We, the world, are all family. The bible tells us as does our Constitution, that we are equal as one people, one race, the human race. And as humans, we are superior to all other forms of life on this earth. Regarding the problems we face as a country, specifically racism, which now captures the news. It is evil that looks to divide us and pit one American against another, and that spread the lie that racism is systemic, and is part of our DNA. It is a lie right out of the pit of hell. Because when you think of the two reasonings as to the beginnings of life, there are only two. Either we were created equally by a superior entity, God, or we evolved from some primal ooze. If evolution is true, then, and only then, could systemic racism exist. It would be ridiculous to think that we all evolved at the same rate, and that we all came down from the trees changing from monkey to man at the same moment in time. With evolution, those who became fully human first, would have a distinct advantage over those who came hundreds if not thousands of years later. You have also been taught that science and God are mutually exclusive. This is also a lie. For instance, both science and the bible agree that the mideast, specifically where modern day Israel sits, is the birthplace of human life and civilization. We, the family of man are more alike then you think. For instance, did you know that two long time enemies are blood relations? Muslims and Jews both rightly claim that Abraham is their father and that both religious groups would have millions of followers as per his prophecy. The differences in people are controlled mostly by geographic locations as to where their ancestors settled. Do you think that people from the northern regions where its cold and heavy clothing is necessary to survive may be why they are so light skinned and white, or that conversely, people whose ancestors settled in the heat of african nations may have turned dark from the heat of the sun in those locations? People, we are one big family, all created as God has said, in His image, different from other life forms, but the same as one people. The human race, the family of man, were and is equal, all coming from one source, all made in the image of the God who created everything that is. Good exists and comes from God, likewise, evil exists, and comes from the devil. God desires that we recognize him and worship him as our creator, where evil which comes from the Devil. His desire is to divide us and have people doubt God's existence, eventually to deny him completely.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Tested Truths: Today
Tested Truths: Today: So here we all are today, and we all know what tomorrow brought back then. We also know what type of people we are, and that united, we c...
So here we all are today, and we all know what tomorrow brought back then. We also know what type of people we are, and that united, we can even beat back the scourge of a pandemic. Speaking of, (the pandemic), I guess it is officially over, that is as far as the press is concerned. Social distancing, rules about masks? Now what?
The silver lining of the pandemic, is that when our priorities are right, and we come together united as one, we can be amazingly quite unselfish when it comes to protecting human life. We did what we were told, and untold thousands of lives were saved. We knew it would hurt our economy, and we knew how dangerous life can be. In short we did the right thing, we chose life over money. We also knew that united for a cause common to us all, that we had and still have the ability to replenish our resources, and return to our place as a leader of the economic engine that so empowered us. In short, We will rebuild and make it better than it was.
Think of what we went through, and how we not only survived, but thrived! A failed political coup, a pandemic, and now this! When I first viewed the horror of that killing, and the fact that it was a white cop, and the young man black, My heart sank as I saw all this progress we made dim into a flickering ember. That which once was, a raging inferno of progress and hope. The American people had awoken, things like patriotism were no longer corny, you might say we had our swag back, we believed in ourselves, people were filled with hope, as we woke to the fact that We are the government, and those politicians work for us, we would choose the path and they would legislate us according to the paths we chose.
So my prayer then?, and I hope your's too, that we would come together again, certainly righting this horrible wrong who.. Can you imagine dealing with the fact that you not only murdered an innocent man, but you may also have murdered a country? Please people, we have come too far to go back. Justice be served, and this policeman pay the full penalty. A murder was committed, on that we can all agree, but if after all we've been through, including a Pandemic, we as a people shall not let this dissuade us either. Because when you come right down to it, look way beyond the politics that will be played from any end, and understand the simplicity of it. When the dust clears and the chatter dies down, there are only two points of view, two ways to go. There is evil and there is good, and we all have to serve somebody. Choose to follow after the wrong side, and you are part of the problem, or choose to do the right thing, and be part of the solution. I wish I could tell you the what and the why of it but I can't. What I know simply put is, all of these huge problems are bigger than any person, and as the Lord said, If you will humble yourself and pray to me I will heal your land. And that my friend is a promise from the highest authority.
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