Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tested Truths: Suppose?

Tested Truths: Suppose?:     I am running Lord though I know not where. I am blinded by the white hot light I see not far from the road. In this brightest of ligh...



  I am running Lord though I know not where. I am blinded by the white hot light I see not far from the road. In this brightest of lights I can see you vaguely, but I am still not close enough to touch you. I have looked for answers from way down deep inside, and I have wasted my time trying to pepper what I found with the wisdom of this age. 
  Suppose your perspective was from an eternal point of view. If you can imagine it, for you now, time means nothing. From that point of view from the perspective of the eternal things, how do you think you would interpret this time, our time, and what how do you think that this era in our history will effect future generations? The generations yet to come. Can you see it, can you imagine that far? You hold it in your hands like a snippet of the ever reeling roll of film that is time going by, and then it moves on, ever forward. You see the mess from all sides, and you understand it fully, but still it is just a moment, long for some, shorter for others. How can you rise above this fray of your friends and neighbors, how do you keep your sanity when everyday there is more chaos, more storms and volcanos, new and dangerous viruses, what are we to do? indeed, what can we do? 
  Seek truth in all of its forms, and speak always the truth. Honor, be honorable, be a person of integrity, a person to be counted on. 
  Pray America. Pray that we always remain, One nation under God. They come not only for your money, they come to change us. Austerity and the freedom that it brings scares them, these type look for control. They come in many ways and with far more complaints than answers, they come under the guise of globalism. Don't be fooled as they are, what they have really come for is your freedom. These talking heads on TV, these fools of PR via PC, these arrogant idiots who think we need them, because we aren't intelligent enough to govern ourselves. Don't Kid yourselves America, this coming election is our Brexit. the future of your children and your children's children depend on this one, and just as a free people, a people with the power, We the people will decide our future.   
  And for your own sake America, Pray. Pray that we choose wisely, Pray that we choose to remain forever,  One people,  One nation, One, under God.   Amen

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Tested Truths: Tree of Life (part two)

Tested Truths: Tree of Life (part two):   Funny thing about speaking of trees, is that we are all busy still putting away our Christmas tree and decorations, another season, as Au...

Tree of Life (part two)

  Funny thing about speaking of trees, is that we are all busy still putting away our Christmas tree and decorations, another season, as Autumn changes to Winter. I will tell you that this is a tough subject to summarize in just a couple of pages. In fact, my last rough draft was 14 pages which is much too long for this type of venue. The plan is to wet your appetite regarding the things of God, Heaven specifically, so that you would pick up your bible and read both Genesis and Revelation on your own. 

Gen. 2:9 And out of the ground, the Lord God made every tree grow that was pleasant to the sight and good for food. The Tree of Life was also in the garden, as was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. At this point, our young couple could have eaten freely of the Tree of Life, as they were told that they could eat of it all, but NOT from the tree of good and evil. But they did, and so, Rev. 3:22-24 (summarized) Then the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us to know good and evil. And therefore we must cast them from the garden less he touch the Tree of Life and have eternal life. And so now cast from paradise, the Lord God also placed a cherubim with a flaming sword in his hand in the east of Eden, to guard the way to the Tree of Life.  This is how it was in the first book of the bible, in the beginning. In the end as told in the last book, the book of Revelation, by this time all old things have passed away, and so the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is not mentioned in those final scenes of the goings on in Heaven, but the Tree of Life is again a prominent part of the story. In Revelation 21 John who wrote the final book says in Chapter 21, Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away. Rev. chapter 22 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of the street of translucent gold was the Tree of Life, which bore 12 different fruit once each month, and the leaves of this tree was for the healing of the nations. Near the end of the book of Revelation, Jesus testifies that it was he who sent the angel to guide John through Heaven, and as with the entire book, there is the offer to come and live eternally with our Creator. "And the Spirit and the bride say come, and let him who hears say come, Let him who thirsts for fresh pure water come. Whoever desires, let him take freely of the water of life. I close this letter in the hope that this small sampling of what awaits us who believe in and know God, and as the Lord Jesus said himself, Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and I will come in and join you. My great hope is that you will at least read for yourselves the words of God as written in the bible, and again, It will do you no harm, but you will be better off for having done so.   Guaranteed..

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tested Truths: Tree Of Life (part one)

Tested Truths: Tree Of Life (part one):   Trees, it is impossible to understate the importance of trees. Trees give us the breath that we breath. From the very small to the incred...

Tree Of Life (part one)

  Trees, it is impossible to understate the importance of trees. Trees give us the breath that we breath. From the very small to the incredibly high, trees are beautiful and often, awe inspiring. Trees are often in the scenery of literature, as with a story of two young lovers who carve their initials together in the hope that the carving would stand as a testament of their love for generations to come. Trees can grow for hundreds of years, and they exist in virtually every climate and local. From mighty oaks and splendid straight pines, in more northern climates, to palm trees and cactuses in the warmer climates. Trees can denote power and strength as with an oak tree with its' roots deep in the ground. They stand stoic and solid, and yet are flexible enough to bend with the winds of change. 

  Lately, tracing DNA to establish family trees is all the rage, but there is one tree in particular, the first tree, The Alpha, and the one to be the last, the Omega. This tree is the Tree of Life, and can be found in Genesis, the beginning, and also in Revelation, the last book in the bible, making it also, the Omega. This family tree is of all life, as everything that lives comes from it. It is the source of all life. Most people have heard the story of Adam and Eve, as they shared the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and by so doing, loosed evil into this perfect place, this Garden of Eden. But that is a story onto itself and for another time. But the other tree in the garden was the Tree of Life, a tree that had a stream of water that ran under it and from it, the pure water of life. This is the tree that was protected by angels with flaming swords, keeping it from anything impure touching it, and this same tree is at the center of the heavenly scene as told in the book of Revelation. This book, Revelation, tells of two main stories, the end of this world and of this age, but also gives the reader a good look at the new heaven and the new earth. Unlike the tree of knowledge which is spoken of in Genesis at the beginning, the Tree of Life is a prominent figure in the last book, making the Tree of Life both the Alpha and the Omega. The tree of good and evil is of no use in heaven, as there is no evil there, all is pure and safe, and so there is no need for worry, but rather a perfect mind of eternal peace. 

  As with this life, all things are symmetrical, and so certain numbers repeat. For instance, lets say that the tree of knowledge was an apple tree, but the tree of Life bares twelve different kinds of fruit, and it renews its' fruit once each month. Imagine, a tree with apples, bananas, pineapples, coconuts, etc. always fresh and perfect. As for the symmetry, the tree bares twelve fruit, their are twelve gates around heaven with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on the gates' door, and twelve pillars of foundation each bearing the name of one of the twelve apostles.

End part one