Monday, July 22, 2019
Tested Truths: In the beginnig (Part Two)
Tested Truths: In the beginnig (Part Two): And so we pick up where we left off. Thought, what is it's power? We know that thoughts can not be seen in the physical sense. But we...
In the beginnig (Part Two)
And so we pick up where we left off. Thought, what is it's power? We know that thoughts can not be seen in the physical sense. But we know that a type of electricity courses through our brain, and that these electronic signals can be charted in the mind. The brain of course runs the entire body, it is figuratively and literally at the top of our body. Our hearts beat, our lungs collect oxygen, and we react to certain stimuli, like instinctively pulling our hand away from a hot stove, all with little if any thought. So we know that thought exists, both in the conscious and sub conscious mind. Thoughts can only exist in the living, and though you might be able to think of nothing for a period of time, we are unable to conjure up a single syllable of thought without life. Dead things don't think, as a rock is a rock is a rock, dead.
Thoughts, intelligence, curiosity, wisdom, all of these and more exist as important parts as to who we are as people. But the personification of these traits of life exist in the unseen world, the spiritual realm. So whats the purpose of all this, and why do I think it important to tell you? Hopefully, and if nothing else, I hope to stir in you a new curiosity about the reality of God, and to give you a way to consider it that perhaps you haven't thought of, a way that will make it clearer for you. Those things that we can not see but exist, do so, while we are in this life and live along side us, until we die from this life. After death, thoughts being spirit, live, the body dies, not the spirit.
The problem is that spiritual matters can only be understood by faith. When it comes to the deeper meanings as answers to life, there is only two ways that you can consider them. I know that most you have been spoon fed the lie of evolution as to the answers to such questions. But the power of that one thought, that light of life surrounded by the darkness of nothingness and death, is that God thought of it and spoke it into existence. To believe this by faith is much easier than to except by faith that we evolved from some slime pit millions of years ago. Why do I say its easier? Because there is no other logical answer for life and those intricacies that lie within it. A creator, a superior intellect, a living source for all that is life, that makes perfect sense. But to have it all come from an incredible array of perfect coincidences, happenstance, and a lot of time? That makes about as much sense as thinking, that if we were to leave all the parts and components necessary to build the best next 5G computer in a big pile for a couple of million years, that when we were to return to that pile, that it would have built itself? Talk about faith! If you buy into that evolution stupidity, you do so by faith, and like the verse in that old song, It takes a truck load of faith to get by. All from nothing by a master designer, or, all from nothing by a lot of cosmic luck?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Tested Truths: In the beginning (Part One)
Tested Truths: In the beginning (Part One): What is the power of the mind, and what of mind over matter. What does that mean to you? Imagine if you can, the power of one thought in ...
In the beginning (Part One)
What is the power of the mind, and what of mind over matter. What does that mean to you? Imagine if you can, the power of one thought in a sea of nothing. One thought, one entity, adrift in an ocean of darkness, a sea of death, bottomless fathoms of nothingness.
Now if you have that scene in mind, What would be the power of that thought, the only thought, the first thought. Thoughts of course are of the spiritual nature, Thoughts exists in all manner of human activity. Thoughts, your thoughts, my thoughts, all thoughts, float about freely in the reality of everyday. Why classify thought as spirit you ask? What other could they be, you can not see touch or smell them, and yet they exist. What if not spirit then?
The bible tells us that we were made in the image of God, but whether you believe the bible or you don't, either way you would have to agree that we humans are at the top of it all, masters of our domain. So we look to ourselves and wonder about ourselves, Who are we, what if I had never been born, what is the meaning of life. All of us has thought these same thoughts. It is human nature to be curios, we want to understand what and why things are. We want, and have, wanted to understand our surroundings, and adjust them to adapt to our needs.
Because of our superiority to all life, we are like gods in this world. We hold the power for life and for death of the earth. And we can create, we have the knowledge to build, and to change our world through our inventions. But because of our intellect, bolstered by the fact that we do indeed have power over everything, it is easy to think of ourselves as a type of god onto ourselves. But give us our do, we are unique in life, and we are capable of conquering what ever it is that we come together to do. Tomorrow we celebrate our walking on the moon. An incredible feat, as it was less than a century and a half ago since the Wright brothers took that first flight. We have long invented things that promise to make our lives easier, whether it was back when mom got her new washing machine, to the now computerized appliances who promise to make the chore even easier. But whether it be easier appliances, the first plane, or a moon landing, we truly are very smart and industrial by nature. The problem comes when we take this success and as assurance that we are gods, as all is answerable by our intellect, and so we have no need of God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. Many look to Science as a type of religion, and believe that by it we prove vicariously that we are not only superior to life on this planet, but are and will continue to be the be all and end all of everything. We are not. A quick note as we end part one. Computers are like all important inventions before them, the only difference, and hence the warning. In this mad dash for all the newest technology to which you give your allegiance by willingly giving your most private information to, that for the first time, this new tool will help us, but at what price. Because besides the staggering discoveries in medicine and other sciences, from a social standpoint, if we are not careful, soon we will work for them.
Forgive this little side note from the main point, but we will dig a bit deeper on thought on part two. Computers are great, but only if we remain the masters.
Monday, July 8, 2019
Friday, July 5, 2019
Tested Truths: Happy Birthday
Tested Truths: Happy Birthday: We are around two hundred and fifty years old, a relative baby as nations and civilizations go. But of all the great countries, both past...
Happy Birthday
We are around two hundred and fifty years old, a relative baby as nations and civilizations go. But of all the great countries, both past and present, The United States of America still stands, as we did from our beginnings, as a beacon of freedom for all the world to see. This beacon shined so brightly, that it brought people from many different countries and cultures. Blessed from the beginning, as this new land offered hope, a new start, a dream of self rule, an exit from the ownership of any king, monarch, or country. A country for people, ruled by those people. In a word, Hope. A country of such size and opportunity, that we were almost a continent onto ourselves. Along with all of that seemingly endless land which started on the east coast against the shores of the Atlantic ocean, all the way west to the shores of the great Pacific ocean. We had, and still have an embarrassment of riches, an abundance of natural resources that made us of little, if any, need of any real help from anyone, a country that was truly self sufficient. But our real strength came not from the real estate and natural resources, but from the diversity of our people. People of every type came, and along with them, their best and their brightest. We took those individual gifts and knowledge from each, and each being the best strings and strands available from each, and wove them together, making the quilt of many colors that our people cover the land with. We have slept in peace and comfort under that blanket from day one, but now there are those who look to separate those individual strands and fray the edges of our blanket.
We were, and still are, a type of political experiment to see if a group of different nations and people could bond together as one, and look not only for their own good, but more importantly, look at it as what is best for the country as a whole, one country, one people. But this nation again, almost from day one, looked collectively out at the rest of the world as to their needs, and what if anything we could do to help. We were a protector of the weak militarily of course, but again, possibly because of that embarrassment of riches, America is always the first to come to the aid of those hurt by natural calamities like floods and earthquakes. We are always willing to provide food to the starving. Though we no doubt have made some mistakes along the way, we looked to correct them, learn from them, and move on. But even our most ardent haters when looking at the ledger of history, would be hard pressed to show that we did more harm than good.
American life has two sacred documents that are the reason for, and at the the heart of our success. The Bible as our guide to life, and the perfect law of our Constitution. But as the fall voting season comes around again, there is no place for the apathetic. For with this one, we the citizens must decide that what we have and who we are as a people and a nation is good and should remain, or, choose to allow a centralized form of government, one of the same type we ran from as we came to settle this land some two hundred and fifty years ago. Resist the forces who look to label you as being a black American, a white one, a male or a female, gay, straight, and so on. We are Americans, E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one. Reject those who look at our diversity as a weakness to be exploited, and vote to have this country live up to our creed, and that is, that we are one people, one people under God, the United States of America.
Happy Birthday America! Forgive it being a belated wish. Yesterday we celebrated our independence. In November, we will vote to keep it, or throw it away.
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