Thursday, December 13, 2018


  If you were to be asked the definition of faith, what would be your answer? The dictionary tells us that, Faith is, confidence or trust in a person or a thing. Belief in God. A system of religious belief. Certainly this is as good an explanation as possible for a word for something intangible and unseen. We can also glean from Webster's description that faith and belief are synonymous and interchangeable, as both words describe the same type of action. As with any action, there are degrees of faith. On one end, there is little faith, a kind of I'll give it a try type faith. On the other end of the spectrum is blind faith, as when you sit down in a chair without thinking of whether it will hold you or not. Seeing as how the dictionary placed so much of its definition on God and religion, lets see the bible's definition. 

  Hebrews, chapter one, verse one. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, in the evidence of things not seen. You may not be able to see faith, but its end result is clear. The person you offered that comfortable chair to and sat down in faith, is either comfortably seated, or sprawled out on the floor. So then, seeing as Faith is the subject, and because the dictionary placed the onus of faith's definition with God and religion, let us add one more element to the discussion. That word being Truth. Most people think that the truth is subjective. In other words, what is true for me may not be true for you. But in matters of great importance, after the subject has been danced all around, in the end, the talk means nothing if the subject matter is an Absolute truth, it either is true or it isn't. Such a subject of course is the existence of a supreme intellect, the existence of God. He either exists or he doesn't. 

  For myself, God has never been more real to me than he is now, as I have seen many proofs. Admittedly, it took me a long time to accept it myself as I am a man of logic and something must make sense to me logically before I can pursue it any further. For most of my life I considered myself what most people are today, an agnostic. Agnosticism is to be a fence sitter, an arrogance that says to the person, I am well versed on both sides of the subject and I'm still weighing it in my mind. The hidden arrogance in such a statement is a way of concealing their cowardice when it comes to a decision. Believe it or not, the way to make the existence of God a reality to such non deciders is not in the ancient scriptures, but in a common sense point of view as to where we are today, with our fascination with all things computer. All of these machines came to be, not on their own, but by highly skilled engineers and coders. By a living intellect that is higher than the computers, (the created), but rather by their designers. (the creators). 

When you think of it logically, it is obvious, and after all is said and done, what are your choices. God and intelligent design, or evolution, that depends on happenstance and luck. Faith is the subject right? It takes a lot more faith to believe in a theory, which is false on so many levels, than it does to believe in a creator, God. If evolution is your choice, keep Lou Reed's lyrics in mind when he says, It takes a truckload of faith to get by.