The importance of the East is referenced throughout the Bible. Indeed, from Genesis to Revelation, from beginning to end, all things important to the truth, all make reference to importance of the East. In Genesis, the two lovers sinned and ate of the tree of the knowledge. And at that moment, were introduced to the existence of another train of thought, that of evil. That bit of knowledge must have been seen as a small matter to the two at that time. But once evil entered the minds of men, it became like a small nodule seemingly unimportant at the time. But that small nodule was dangerous, and it has spread like a cancer in mankind, making the whole body sick.
When the Lord God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden, he placed a cherubim at the East gate of the garden to protect the "Tree of Life" from their access forever. Back then, the Tree physically existed near the Euphrates river, and it is this same river that is referenced by John of Patmos as he scribed the Revelations of Jesus Christ. In these revelations, as found in chapter 16, we are told of the seven bowels of God's wrath that will be poured out upon the earth, the sixth being poured down from heaven directly on this same Euphrates river.
The Eastern Star which shined so brightly in the beginning, is the same star which shined even brighter on the night of His berth, is there now, and will be there, until the end of this age.