Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Bank of America (BOA) part one
The problems and abuses created by this attempted take over by a bloodless coup has just become infinitely more dangerous. Remember the great fanfare made of a small business who refused to make a cake celebrating homo-sexuality because of religious reasons? Remember how much the rabid left looked to destroy this family owned and operated business? Remember how gleefully the leftist media looked to shame these Americans because they denied the religion of the left, which is the religion of men and not God. With their religion, there is no set in stone morality, as what they see as being moral changes often, depending on which way the wind blows. Who, or what, is the god of this new religion? Believe it or not, these fools look to the government and its status quo elitists leaders who have had their way in spades after eight years of Barack Hussein Obama. Labeled a Muslim by Hillary in the 2008 primaries, and labeled a Marxist by his choice of college study, and his willingness to become the leader of the new world order under the fantasy of a one world government, an idea that was defeated by the people of the UK who decided to remain autonomous and free rather than be governed by some central controller, located somewhere in the world. America's Brexit was the election of Donald Trump, where again, it was the working class, long since forgotten, who rose up and said soundly, No more, and elected President Trump, soundly beating Hillary and her global initiative. Picking on a small business, and accusing them of discrimination is small stuff, but when that discrimination comes from a huge conglomerate Corporation in the banking business, well thats a horse of a far more dangerous color.
Speaking the truth to power has cost me dearly in the last years. It is relentless, and peace of mind is hard to find, even sometimes rising to the level where you would be happy just to find a quiet place. As I have said many times before, the truth is an equal opportunity offender, and being an admitted evangelical Christian, it seems someone is always mad at me. Not just from the left, as they being unable to think freely are easily dispatched, but also from the Christian side, I call them the "jot and tittle" crowd, and many of them, like the Pharasees before them, believe that salvation comes only from the law. These, though their access to salvation remains in spite of themselves, are the type who with good intentions, will tell you that you need their guidance. You don't, as that is the Lord's business. Excuse me, as I digress. The political side of things, unlike faith in God is a deep subject, politics and the PC warriors who look to stifle free speech are much more obvious, and therefore, much easier to dispatch as mere fools. The true base of the left are the anarchists like anti-fa, occupy Wall St. and such ilk, who the Democrats have protected and nurtured as being necessary when their is no logic to their pointless point of view and it is rejected. Time to bring in the new brown shirts, and turn them lose to attack people physically, and to destroy as much property as they can. My wife and I finally got our day in court, and though true and complete justice was denied, a fall guy was chosen to take the rap, while the one with powerful political connections got off scot free. You would think after almost two years and still counting, I would have taken the small victory and dropped exposing those involved who openly helped the connected one from due process, and I have. If you think you can't fight city hall, try it at the County level. Obviously, most if not all of what I've written hasn't much to do with the bank in question. To find out, please see page two.
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