Sunday, February 25, 2018

Leading from Behind

  Just recently, I was asking myself a question that I have puzzled over for years. The term, Leading from behind that Obama first used. What did it mean, and where did it come from? This is the manor that God often uses to answer your questions. While channel surfing early this morning, I came upon the AHC channel, and it was about Stalin. When the Germans attacked Moscow, Stalin quickly formed a million man army, who marched out with the understanding that they in the front ranks must always move forward. They were warned that their leaders were behind them, with orders to shoot any man who took one step back. Their leaders were behind them, Lead from behind. Karl Marx who came before Stalin would have been proud. Whether or not Stalin was quoting some teaching of Marx, or he had conjured it up himself is unknown, but the sealed college transcripts of Barack Obama is most likely  stacked full of Marxist teachings. The apple of his eye, his father, who he writes about so fondly was a Muslim, and hated the West and all it stood for. He particularly hated Winston Churchill, and that is why one of his first acts in the Whitehouse was to mail the bust of Churchill back to England. 

  The point of all this is not to attack Mr. Obama, we can only hope that history accurately describes he and the eight years that his regime was in power was more than just a conspiracy, but was in reality our nation's first political coup, some prefer bloodless coup. Hillary was to carry the flag forward, but a wonderful thing happened, the American people woke up. It was to be a shoe in, afterall she was promised it was her turn and believed that she couldn't loose. And why not? The Democratic party had the press in its pocket, all the old accusations of racism, sexism, and every other type of isms' or ists' that you could imagine were all in place, and a complicit press was more than willing to use it's constitutionally guaranteed freedom to become propagandists rather than true journalists. 

  So what happened? how could Donald Trump possibly win with all that and a limitless back roll behind Ms. Clinton? Well, if you remember from the first paragraph, I was telling you one of the ways God speaks to us without saying a word, and the answer is like that, but on a much bigger scale. This country was founded on the precepts of an ancient Rabbi named Jesus. So the answer then is what you already expected, and that is that God stepped in, Marxism in all of it's forms outlaws religious freedoms, particularly the Jewish faith in the 20th century, and Christianity in the 21st. For Socialism, Communism, and all such central control forms of government to survive, it must have a lockstep mentality, and that only the government must be worshiped. And there is no room for God and individual freedoms. 

  Make no mistake, this is not over yet, because the biggest threat to our nation's sovereignty is not from outside our borders but within.  We are much to great a military adversary for any nation to even consider attacking us, because before that the target must be softened, and what better way to do that than to separate us and have us fighting with each other. Divide and conquer, a house divided. Do these sayings ring a bell?

Thursday, February 15, 2018


  There is a rhythm to life, a cadence. I was reminded of this when I caught myself counting the movements necessary to get the new doggie bag of poop into the larger, plastic bag. The things that we do almost without thought, like tying your shoes are done most times to an exact way each time, when we make a mistake in this process, it throws are timing off. Its a cadence thing. factoid I guess? mornin all. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Super Shame Sunday

  So the day is almost upon us. A one day extravaganza, so huge, that there is talk of making work on the Monday morning after optional. What it used to be was a celebration of the honor and integrity of sport. Team against team, man against man, you give your all, and I will give mine, and the outcome to be winner take all. The game in and of itself is pure, and wherever purity is to be on in the open, it makes the field on which it's played sacred. Football like any team game is loaded with drama, a drama born of competition. The many decisions and adjustments that go on during the game, both for the team and the individuals who play it, is part of the beauty of this game, as it is in any sport. For the fans who love the game, it is meant for them as an escape for a few hours from the rigors of everyday life. Especially so, as an escape from the filth of politics which has so divided this great land. 

  Roger Goodell, (president of the NFL), inadvertently spoke the truth when he said recently, the the game and the field it's played on is sacred, and therefore is no place for politics. Of course in Roger's case, he has twisted the truth in a way to fit his agenda and his political leanings. He has now added fuel to an already burning issue, by refusing to allow a thirty second commercial by the American Veterans association to de aired during his game. 

  Being strictly a PR guy, he is counting on two things to pull this slap in the face to the very people who bled and died so that he and his followers can become wildly rich, while preaching his version of morality on the fans of this great game. First, he is counting on the apathy of the American people, and second, his PR people have assured him that the patriotic sham they have planned for half time will serve to be just enough propaganda to cause the fence sitters to see only the show and it's meaningless words, rather than the actions already taken by him and those players who seem hell bent to bring back the old saying, #Dumb jocks. The premise this false narrative is based on is that racism is still rampart in the country. This after a man of color was elected twice, and virtually all of the highest offices in the land had blacks as it's leaders. The fact that most of these dumb pawns follow the lie of angelic Michael Brown is most probably because wherever they get their news, they have never seen the stores security camera's video account of the assault of a small Philapeano grocer by Michael while his cousin, (the kid who swore Browns hands were raised),  grabbed handfuls of cigars or Slim Jims off the counter. Assuming the store's video hasn't gone the way of Hillary's emails, look it up yourself. This happened just mere minutes before their encounter with the police. The "Hands Up" movement is based on a lie. 

  What can you do about this? Although I don't consider this a call for a boycott, as that is a weapon of the left, I do know that by not watching a game I would like to see, I have in effect voted by my lack of viewership, and cast a vote against those who knowingly or not, look to divide this country. As for me and my house, we vote no, and we won't be watching the game this year.