Sunday, October 29, 2017

Says Who

  Did you feel that? A great hush had fallen across the land. With that awful buzz, all the talking and other things in motion, still, a great hush came, unnoticed by most while caught in a moment of a self reflection of which they were unaware, it came over the land. This ssh that came with the wind, it brought with it a moment of total contentment and a feeling of fulfillment. 

  In truth, it would only have been felt, if they were alert at the moment, only by those who know God. Most of you missed it I know, and its a shame, as it would have thrilled you and sent a shudder to your bones. It was that it came during a moment of introspection, that a voice like thunder sounded! and then followed, total peace. 

  Only to those who have answered the call, those born again of the Spirit. Only they can sense these things, and only they can understand it. One of the many gifts of the spirit is wisdom, and this he gives freely to those who seek him in ernest. 

  Behold, I stand at that door and knock says He, let Him in before its too late says I.    

Sunday, October 22, 2017

No Day at the Beach

  My wife and I went out early this morning to watch our youngest grand daughter run in the cross country event for her elementary school. It was a beautiful day, a little chilly early on, but by the time her event came around, people were shedding their sweat shirts and jackets. All the kids from all of the competing schools were exited, and it was just a great place to be. At the starting point, all of the parents and fans were yelling encouragement to their athlete. We too yelled to my little sweetheart Emma, and then walked around the field to where the finishing line was. About nine minutes later, the first girl through, who won the race came past us. At this point I yelled to her while clapping, Great job Sweetheart! Looking up and across to the people behind the opposite yellow rope, I got some very unhappy looks. Not from women as you might think, but from men.  I knew immediately, that I had broken one of the cardinal rules of correct political speak. Our Emma finished a little over 11 minutes. Not bad. Anyway, I turned to my daughter in law and asked about my transgression. She just smiled and said, It could have been worse had I called her Hon or Honey. 

  Later out in the parking lot as we were saying good bye to my son and his family, my daughter in law and I expanded on my blunder at the race. I asked what was proper, and we discussed options. At first I thought, C'mon human being!, but that couldn't do because the word man was part of human. For those of you who know me personally, you know that my first instinct is to intentionally aggravate those who have embraced this new religion, whose orthodoxy and general rules of dos and don'ts,  are created by those who look to install a new morality. A morality based primarily on the mind set that our current morality which is based in the ten commandments, given to mankind by God the Father, were in conflict with our constitution? This of course is ridiculous, as God gave us only ten rules. While the godless orthodoxy of the men and women who embrace this PC ideology, have literally thousands of rules which change more every day. This lack of a strong base and no foundation is frustrating to put it mildly, and is why so many take longer to answer a simple question, as they need to be sure to filter what they say. Make no mistake, PC speak has two primary goals. The first is to remove any religion but there's from the public discourse, and the other is to interfere with, and eventually to stop free speech.  This godless new religion is being taught to our children in public schools from kindergarten, right on through high school. If this doesn't bother you as a parent, it should. Luckily, my son's kids go to Catholic school and are spared the propaganda now being forced on our children by the Marxist left.  

  Oh, and as to my little problem with how to cheer on the kids. I settled on the word entity. This shouldn't insult anyone. It may sound a bit strange yelling, C'mon entity, but on the bright side, its still better than calling them all Purple Pandas. That was actually tried in a school some time ago. That bit of silliness comes from the gay community, who thought that calling girls girls, and boys boys was  dangerous. The left is easily terrified by the obvious and the truth. A sad reality of the PC religion that they helped to create.       


Friday, October 20, 2017


  Now that political correctness and the politics of division have taken away the game we love from the professional ranks, what is left to do but to watch them choose to leave? The line that is being scratched in the sand, has been drawn by Roger Goodell, though Roger is not the problem. He is only a pawn of the propagandists who tell him what to do and what is proper to think. Roger and his fellow knee takers should be felt sorry for, because they are only sheep in a game they don't understand. 

  He and the rest of the mesmerized drones, carry out the will of the socialist/globalist agenda. The leaders of this hopeless cause are the fools who actually believe that this new world order can become the man made utopia they dream of. Psst, hey fellas, we can't even get along in our own country, and you think that a centralized global leader is the answer? Whatever Kool Aid you're drinking, please keep it all for yourself. 

  As for my part, I would rather die then see the United States of America become the socialist state of America. There is nothing like the good ole U.S.A., it sounds good to me as it does with most Americans, no matter their political stripe. And now that one sport has been stolen from us by those who find us deplorable and wish us harm, we turn to America's game, and in this current time of playoff, the game has never shined brighter. As pro Football struggles to ride the wave of politics, Baseball has become our only refuge from the ugliness and lies of the division which looks to divide us. For those of you who don't follow the game, there are now only three teams left to decide the World Series champion. The L.A. Dodgers won the National league title, and they wait for the winner of the Yankees/Astros series for the American league representative. Though Houston is the sentimental favorite because of the great flood they have gone through, I remember when after the original 9/11, the Yankees too were the sentimental favorite, as even long time Yankee haters found themselves pulling for the team. But it was not to be. Having said all that, I am rooting for a right coast vs. left coast series. East against West, two teams as far from each other as they can be, it makes one hell of a metaphor for where we are now as a country. 

  And now that football has rejected Colin Kapernek to lead it, Al Sharpton and some Congress woman who looks like a female pimp are given the baton, and they are to lead the parade. Why are so many minorities so fooled that they follow fools such as these? Where are the true champions to replace the great Martin Luther King? Racism? Um, this may come as a surprise to you two morons, but the country elected a man of color as President, and the nation's top cop as well as most other cabinet jobs were filled by blacks. And you call us racist? You are the racist, as you look to drag us back into the past when separate but equal was the law. So go ahead you most ugly of couples, go and lead you're parade of bigotry and ignorance. I think you'll find that more will not follow you then will. Because we the people see no such problem other than isolated cases. Out here in the real world, we all get along fine. Even though you'll dismiss me with the false claim of white privilege, a moniker dreamed up by the left's propaganda machine, lets get back to the purity of sport, shall we? I'm a life long Yankee fan and my two favorite players are both black. Does that count?

Saturday, October 7, 2017


   And so it was, I sat and watched as the white puffed clouds rolled by in a crystal clear day. It is at this point, that the power hit me again. The power of God hit me like a thunderbolt from above. A diamond bullet right between the eyes. 

  I had not felt the full power of the Spirit in such a long time. It was a welcome awakening, because it brought with it a confidence to my bones. It was a moment of extreme peace, a calm as like a flat lake. I was renewed and confident and it felt good. 

  My country and my people saith the Lord, I love you so dearly and yet you resist me, and you will not listen. Listen, the Holy Bible is a living document, did you think that meant to stop? It goes on through me, for I am a living document for the truth of God. 

  A stewart, nothing more is what I am, for I am just the messenger. For a new chapter is being written to add to the ancient book, and we are all living it, Yes, a new chapter is being written, and you are all part of it because it happens in this our time, so you see my friend, like it or not, you are living it.