Tuesday, June 21, 2016


  The question mark is because I legitimately don't know what the letters mean. I was going to refer to your group as the Alphabet people, you know, kind of tongue in cheek, but figured for sure that someone would take offense? As an outsider, it might be fair to say that you guys aren't the only ones confused by all this sexual identity stuff.
  For those of you who have never read anything of mine before, from your political views, I am probably the worst of the worst? Meaning, that I am a bible believing conservative, a veritable double shot of the dreaded other side. For the record, I, as do all good Christians, share your grief, and we mourn for those of you who lost family and friends. I know what its like personally to have someone who died at the hands of these same terrorists. I knew two people personally who died in the Twin Towers. I know of your pain and your anger. It is righteous anger.
  I tell you this because your community is about to be used as political pawns by those who wish to separate us for political gain and worse. Soon, during what is shaping up to be one of the filthiest and vile political campaigns will soon to be unleashed on all of us. You will be told vicious lies about the Christian right, that we are all homophobic, and that secretly we think you got what you deserve, but don't you believe it! Because though we hate the politics that you represent, we love you. In short, Christians are told to hate the sin, but love the sinner, because all are guilty, and no one but God has the right to judge. For the record, it isn't your love that is a sin, Jesus is love, and to love is natural. It is only when the natural love which is spiritual, becomes the unnatural, that sin occurs. But enough about that, except to say, if any would like to have an honest discussion about the subject, Please, feel free to comment.
  No doubt you've heard that politics makes for strange bedfellows, and so it is here as we share a common enemy, so slide over baby, and quit hogging all the blankets! Across the world, genocide is in full swing, and Christians and gays are definitely targets. What happened at that club in Orlando is just the beginning, a church service could very well be next. One thing we know for sure, is that like the club, it'll happen in another place where the only ones who have guns are the bad guys. So here's the point to all of this, Though Obama will do everything in his power to divert the motives of this latest murderer, to the availability of guns, or the story that the married man did it because he was battling with his own homo-sexual feelings, the plain truth is, you were a target because you were gay, by another Islamist terrorist who screamed Allah Akbar while he calmly executed the innocent. You and I might be miles apart politically, but we share one thing, we both have targets on our backs. We can no longer ignore the enemy who makes himself so obvious and kills so arrogantly. We, not just Christians and gays, but all Americans, must come together to fight this common enemy. We either put the politics away for now and join as one people, or we will die as one people, some faster than others.

Ticks on a hound

  How are things looking in your neck of the woods? Things are looking pretty bleak from here. If nothing else, it is getting interesting, wouldn't you say? We have never been so divided, 50 American kids are gunned down by a guy who's god is murder. But within minutes of the horror, while the floors were still wet with blood, everyone retreated to their fox holes and dug in. These are the type whose mind has been closed on the subject long ago, these are "the hard liners". Hard liners live in abject fear of giving an inch, for they will surely take a mile. This is the motto of the hardliners, on both the right and on the left. Their fear borders on paranoia when it comes to anyone even discussing their pet project. For some, they consider it the hardliners in the NRA that bothers them, for others, its Roe vs. Wade, and then there is the largest group, those who fear touching Social Security. For these, the fact that the fund will be broke very shortly means nothing. The problem for the rest of us, no matter our pet law, is that the hardliners usually lead the rest, us included. Usually, the only reason they tend to lead is because they scream the loudest and are the most obnoxious. To follow a bunch of loud obnoxious fools isn't easy. You can never find a good moderate when you need one.
  No, the saddest news is, that thanks to the most divisive president in history, no one will give an inch. Why their dug in deeper than ticks on a hound.