Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The King of Hipsters

  I am the king of Hipsters, yes, that's who I am. I come often complete with music A new type of music, a music as old as ancient bones. I am feared by most, and loved by a few. Because I am a truth teller, and a real fart smeller? What I smell is the stench of a nation gone bad, a nation who has lost her way. Why the smell of this place is so bad, that the stench rises to the heavens.
  Do you know why the world is on fire, do you know that there is only one reason? Oh, He may get the blame, but it isn't because of the Ancient of days, no, it isn't from the Holy One. Not him, but his adversary, Beelzebub, AKA Satin! For he was once the most beautiful of all of God's creations, and now, he looks to challenge for the very throne of God. Like two male wolves squaring off, to see who is the true Alpha male, and so, who it is that will rule the pack?
  If you look around with honest eyes at the world around you, it is easy to see who is winning so far. What is his plan for this takeover you ask? To pile the stench of sin so high, and the violence of evil so routine, that the stench of it will reach all the way to the heaven-lies, and to keep it up, piling on sin upon sin, evil after evil, until the whole shithouse goes up in flames!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Go For It

  I didn't want to right this story, as God is my witness, I didn't want to right it! But here it is anyway, as the Father kept prodding me to do. I don't understand why at times I still resist him? But as it turns out, He is right, and I cannot let it go. What Bill O'Reilly is guilty of is a sin against humanity, because Bill cast doubt for personal gain. Because what Mr. O'Reilly did, was to cast doubt among the believers. The bible has a name for that, it's called:Blasphemy. If Mr. O's ego is so big, that he dare judge his book against the bible, he must first enter the negotiation on even ground, So Mr. O'Reilly is to be judged against the bible, he must first vow that every word in his book is true, Because that is exactly the claim the Bible makes! Does Bill O'Reilly make such a claim as that? How dare he think that on any level his book be allowed, as a different slant on the truth? There is no slant! There is only one truth, and how dare anyone bring himself to God's equal! Do I think you should let your kids watch, Killing Jesus, I say, Why not? that is of course, if you do not mind if the talented Mr. O tell them about Jesus? You don't mind that their minds will be turned into a jello mould for 90 minutes, Then yeah, Go for it?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Golden Ticket

  The changes that pain bring about, hit you smack in the face like a giant tidal wave! What pain says to you is, Hello again, I'm here, you didn't really think that you could ignore me did you? Because. I will not be denied, and when I call for it, you will give me your full attention. I know a thing or two about pain, both physical and emotional, after all, All of my pain has been self inflicted. In short, bad choices will always bring about pain of some kind. But here I am being more focused on the physical kind, pain of the excruciating type. High octane pain, of the kind that will make you say, Wow, and be amazed at it's intensity! The type of pain which I had forgotten about, the kind that reintroduced itself to me just recently. But before I go off on a tangent, let me get straight to the point. I just got home from the hospital where I had a knee replacement operation done. Did it hurt? Wow! much more so then I could have of imagined. Exquisite pain, pure pain, the kind that hurts so bad that you can think of nothing else, the kind that has your full and undivided attention. But rather then wallow in it feeling sorry for myself, it made me think of those who unlike me, had no responsibility or their pain. They didn't ask for it, nor did they deserve it, for their pain was thrust upon them by others. What of our military who have come home maimed so badly, that their pain makes mine seem like a picnic in the park. These young men and women, these our wounded warriors volunteered to put them selves in harms way. Not for any personal gain, as these guys defend us for minimum wage? What kind of honor do these do for you and I, by stepping up and saying, Yes, I will defend you, send me. What kind of people are these, that they risk so much for so many, only to serve the country they love and call home? Extraordinary people, people who we owe so much to.
  Want to talk about national health care? Why not start with these? These deserve the Rolls Royce level of health care. If these do not deserve the very best of health care that this nation can provide, tell me, who does? As Americans, we believe that our health, welfare, and the pursuit of happiness is a right, and certainly, having these taken care of first only makes sense. So how do we go about getting the basic need of health care to all the people? For one thing, we start with our military, and how to do it more specifically? For that, we must start by using a political ploy already used. One that was so incredibly condescending and stupid, that we can only resolve it by using it? First we pass the bill, and how we go about covering the costs and implementing it, we make up as we go along. And after it is up and running, then we use what we have learned as a way to do it again with other needing groups. Sometimes when yo go about fixing one domestic problem other problems can also be fixed. Take immigration for instance. All those who are here illegally, but wish to become citizens, specifically those who are of draft age and healthy, should serve in the military, then they too will get great health care. For those too old, or too unhealthy to serve, Community service of the old Democratic idea of the WPA. With an honorable discharge form in hand, whether from the military or the communities that have been served, these people would have rightfully earned the golden ticket. The ticket that earns them citizenship, and as an extra bonus, health care, and anything else made available to naturalized citizens. Good for the economy, good for self esteem. There is nothing quite like earning it, rather then just looking for a handout! As good a organization as charities like Wounded Warriors are, the fact that they are necessary at all, is to our national shame!